All Ideas Matter: A Global TP Initiative
Strategic Insights

All Ideas Matter: A Global TP Initiative

Teleperformance - 09.30.2020

One of the key components in driving innovation is the birth of an idea that can spark change. No matter how big or small, ideas can create opportunities or even a disruption--they kick start improvements, inspire collaboration, and opens an avenue for transformation. In a world where digital technology has accelerated the way we all live, we have become witnesses to a digital transformation that continues to impact the ways we conduct business, allowing us to see beyond the many opportunities that can be seized with each passing day with technology on our side.

As an organization, Teleperformance sees our employees as collaborators as our passionate pursuit for innovation becomes even stronger. We believe every employee is essential, and our people’s skills, talents, and ideas all play a role in allowing us to move forward as a global leader in the industry that is driven by innovation.

All Ideas Matter” is Teleperformance’s global initiative that invites our people to be agents of change, delivering transformative ideas that make each interaction simpler, faster, and safer. We believe that we can count on our talented and hardworking employees who know their operation and business day-in day-out to bring the best insights on how to utilize technology and work as a team to drive innovation and adapt to this rapidly changing world. 

Teleperformance employees can go to the Life @ TP Workspace to learn more information on how to submit their ideas. We are looking for ideas about performance improvement, process issues, and ways we can improve customer experience. Once submitted, ideas will be carefully reviewed by leaders and a team of experts. Ideas that have the potential to be the most transformative will be chosen and will be rewarded!


Got any ideas for us? We look forward to hearing what you have in mind. Be an agent of change and be part of the transformation today!

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