Business Resilience and Agility Elevating the CX in a Post-COVID-19 World
Following a massive disruption as a result of a global pandemic, companies and brands are now learning how to navigate a post-COVID-19 world.
The pandemic caused a dramatic shift in customer expectations, leading to significant changes in value sentiment and in customer behavior. One of the many challenges that stands out for a lot of brands is how to meet the changing needs of the customer especially after a global pandemic affected or changed the way customers spend, buy, and perceive customer service.
Teleperformance continues to explore the different facets of changing customer behavior. Our three white papers, as listed below, aim to help clients navigate this brave new world where adapting and evolving have become keys to elevating the customer experience.
First, our white paper called “Redefining the Customer Experience for a Post-COVID-19 World” elaborated on the “new customer mindset”: a result of buyers becoming more discerning throughout the purchasing process, while also expecting more from their brands. Customers—who are trying to cope with a global crisis—demand better, simpler, and a more empathetic customer service. An increase in engagement between customers and customer service was also expected: according to the white paper, there is an expectation of increased usage of digital channels as a result of restricted mobility, lockdown measures, or business closures which will lead to a shift in how consumers prefer to contact companies even after the pandemic.
With unemployment rates surging, customer spending significantly decreased across most business sectors. The second white paper titled “5 Key Trends for How Remote Work and Consumer Spending have Changed Forever,” explores how consumer spending behavior changed during the global pandemic. One key takeaway was how shopping behavior among consumers has changed: based upon the recent CX Lab Global Survey, nearly 40% of consumers said that they are now more mindful about getting a good relationship between price and quality. Customers also became concerned about the way brands cared for their employees. The white paper also touched on customer service, detailing that 26% of the CX Lab’s survey respondents said that they would be very willing to pay more for products or services in exchange of a better customer service and experience. On a related note, it’s the Millennials most willing to pay more for better service.
Because of social distancing, lockdowns, and other restrictions, the need to bridge the gap between customer and brand became even greater. Today, companies and brands continue to seek ways to connect better with their customers during critical moments and provide support. To be able to adapt to the changing behavior of today’s customers and provide excellent CX, business resilience and agility have become mandatory for businesses to achieve success in a post-COVID-19 world.
With our global footprint, strong experience, and industry expertise, Teleperformance has become a trusted partner of the world’s most renowned brands. As stated in our third white paper “More than Business Continuity: True Business Resilience for the Digital Age,” Teleperformance has led the world in work-at-home implementations with approximately 10,000 homebased interaction experts implemented even before COVID-19. To be able to exhibit maximum business agility, flexibility, and scalability to help clients maintain operations during the pandemic, Teleperformance implemented home-based agents around the world, with the momentum significantly accelerating throughout March and April of 2020. We were able to implement a work-at-home business model that saw 250,000 employees working from home. In addition, the Teleperformance Cloud Campus further bolstered our business continuity efforts during the pandemic.
Today, exceptional customer service is needed more than ever. At a time when simpler, faster, and safer interactions are in great demand, Teleperformance can be your trusted business partner to help your brand achieve business continuity, adapt to changing customer needs, and elevate the customer experience. Contact us today to learn more about our services, and don't forget to download all three white papers featured in this blog below: