Reshaping the Customer Experience
Customer Experience

Reshaping the Customer Experience

Marina Netto - 08.13.2020

Significant declines in many economies worldwide have affected consumers’ spending habits, making them more conscious about the brands they choose. However, companies can seize different opportunities presented by the rise of this new normal. According to the Teleperformance Customer Experience Lab, customer buying behavior may have shifted as a result of the impending restrictions towards different sectors, but various online industries such as e-commerce, games, pay-TV, digital services, food delivery, and online courses can benefit from the changes as a direct result of having a new customer base built during the pandemic. There is also a chance of older generations adapting to many of these products and services, allowing them to remain customers even after the pandemic ends. Brands across most sectors will need to compete harder for consumers’ wallet share.

As brands and business tackle the many challenges of moving forward after a major global disruption, many companies are on a mission to rethink their customer experience strategies when it comes to engaging and interacting with customers. The pandemic has certainly strengthened the need for a meaningful customer experience, and companies must expect customers to maintain their demand for quality service in today’s new normal. The importance of creating positive interactions--especially during a global restart--can never be denied. With the customer buying behavior slowly having shifted towards digital, brands must be able to reinforce their online presence across the customer’s buying journey and strive to create positive interactions with customers in order to continue boosting customer loyalty. As the need for customer service grows, a strong digital presence can lead to a higher number of customer service interactions.

Having business agility is pivotal in adapting to customer needs, and reworking current business models to incorporate a strategy that accelerates technology and digital transformation is critical for any business trying to get back up after a worldwide health crisis. With over four decades of experience in implementing tailored solutions that have helped companies adapt with the changing needs and demands of customers, Teleperformance is here to help give you a boost through a high-tech, high-touch approach that brings together the best of technology and the human touch. Let Teleperformance be your partner in strengthening customer relationships through our solutions that utilize chatbots, voice assistants, automation, and RPAs. Contact us today to learn more!

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