ensuring business continuity
Work from Home

Ensuring Business Continuity During Challenging Times with Work-at-Home

Teleperformance - 03.06.2020

Escalating reports about the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) have been alarming, forcing the world to take pause. COVID-19 has quickly become a global “disruptor,” affecting people, businesses, and economies—all over the world, health and safety has become the number one focus. In China, where the illness was first identified, businesses and communities have come to a halt: city lockdowns were implemented, public transportation was restricted, holidays were extended, and many businesses have remained closed.

Despite the many challenges, Teleperformance in China has been standing strong. We’ve rallied around those who matter most—our affected employees and clients. At a time of such great human vulnerability, nothing is important than the well-being of our people.

So, to protect the heart and soul of our company—our employees— Teleperformance in China immediately established an Epidemic Prevention Team to provide:

  • Health checks and status surveys for employees
  • Extensive communication and updates through the employee intranet
  • Provisions include drinking water, face masks, disinfectant, alcohol, antibacterial sprays
  • Health training of employees in all China sites
  • Daily disinfection every three hours and temp checks in all sites across China
  • Transportation to pick up employees
  • Dormitories for those unable to return home
  • A WeChat group created to easily relay messages to employees
  • Work-at-Home (WAHA) capabilities for our agents

The safest way to ensure both employee safety and business continuity is to enable Work-at-Home (WAHA) capabilities for agents. In just the past four weeks, Teleperformance in China has already activated over 450 new WAHA agents, and continues to accelerate the deployment schedule to bring even more online. This has played a critical role for keeping our employees out of harm’s way, and for delivering the business continuity our clients expect.

"I understand that our operations were among the first to quickly and effectively shift over to the WAHA model. This has had a tremendously positive effect on the recovery process." -- Customer Experience Director – Japan & APAC, Global Design Software company

By deploying this Work-at-Home model, Teleperformance has been able to minimize the business impact from COVID-19 in China and protect our agents during these extraordinary times.

As a result, Teleperformance in China’s valiant efforts for ensuring employee safety have been recognized as a regional best practice by the Foshan government in China.

All over the world, our Work-at-Home solutions have been implemented to ensure business continuity and flexibility for Teleperformance clients, despite any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. Together, we’ll keep you—and your customers—moving forward.

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