Teleperformance Colombia

Welcome to Training Lab

What does Training Lab Do

Training La bis a division of Teleperformance Colombia’s Nearshore Market Vice-presidency. It’s a training space located in Bogotá, that researches and deploys innovative training strategies to be used initially in Nearshore Clients, current and future. We’re redefining the Industry’s Training Standards.


Training Lab is made up by people within different areas of expertise that contribute to a holistic development of solutions and services by the use of new technologies and methodologies that aim to change the way the people engages to a learning process empowered by their own willingness to know more, on several experience environments.

Experience Colombia


We seek to design new learning experiences through play related to the intrinsic motivation that drives human beings to investigate on their own by generating a natural interest in things based on three important pillars.: curiosity, self-improvement (competition against itself) and autonomy.


We develop experiences using multiplayer platforms that encourage socialization and analysis in applicants, delivering information in an unconventional way, developing the retention of information through the association rather than by the simple memorization of it.


We love to facilitate the training work , that is why we focus on highlighting the most important information within each topic and implanting it in each of the applicants, we know that not everyone learns the same, that is why we develop all kinds of audiovisual aids as well as new methodologies related to the delivery of information. 


Podcasts, interactive videos, search engines and tools related to psychopedagogy, help us find the best training complement to make the transfer of information reliable, dynamic and different.  

Reference Colombia
Data Colombia


All the decisions we make are based on real data that we obtain using SQL databases directly connected to our market campaigns, in order to obtain the most reliable information, which will give us the raw material to design and produce our services and solutions.


Based on the information of the training material of each of our clients and the analysis of the percentage of interference that it has in the operating environment, we develop training strategies that seek optimization in terms of its duration and increase the effectiveness rate in the delivery of information to the trainee.

Results: Better KPIs

Using Training Innovation tools has shown improvements in other Nearshore accounts KPIs such as:

Training Improvement & Benefits

  • More efficient using immersive experience 
  • Same enviroment for training and operations 
  • Same experience for everyone 
  • Appeals to intrinsic motivation 
  • Engagement - WAHA 
  • Shorter training times