Our performance in the first half of 2024 was satisfactory, with an acceleration in pro forma growth in the second quarter, to +2.4%, an improvement in Group margin and a sharp increase in cash flow .”
Daniel Julien, Chief Executive Officer of Teleperformance
Sustainable growth and profitability
Teleperformance is a global leader in digital business services. Nearly 500,000 employees in nearly 100 countries manage programs in about 300 languages in 170 markets and multiple client sector, to transform customer experience and business processes to make interactions “simpler, faster, safer”.
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Sustained growth and profitability
Sustained growth and profitability
A favorable work environment
For the third consecutive year, Teleperformance was ranked among the World’s Top 25 Best WorkplacesTM list drawn up by Fortune magazine and Great Place to Work®. Ranked 5th, its certification covers 72 countries and more than 99% of its employees.
Daniel Julien
Chief Executive Officer
Olivier Rigaudy
Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Group Chief Financial Officer
João Cardoso
Chief Innovation and Digital Officer
Luciana Cemerka
Chief Marketing Officer
Miranda Collard
Group Chief Client Officer
Eric Dupuy
Group Chief Business Development Officer
Agustin Grisanti
Chief Operating Officer of Core Services
Scott Klein
Chief Executive Officer of Specialized Services
Teri O’Brien
Chief Legal and Compliance Officer
A sustainable and trust-based relationship with the financial community
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Financial analysts and investors
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