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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

A Strengthened Commitment to Make a Positive Impact

Teleperformance - 04.29.2022

In our last blog, we defined the meaning of climate change and its impact on Earth. We talked about melting ice layers and how long it takes to break down CO2, along with the reality that climate change is real. Now the next question is: what is Teleperformance doing to protect the planet, and how are we doing it?

Nowadays, many countries are working together to help protect the environment. Teleperformance remains united under a common goal of keeping the planet safe. Through our Citizen of the Planet (COTP) initiative created in 2008, we continue to address and discuss current environmental topics such as energy consumption, waste disposal, and water consumption across our operations. The main goal is to have a positive impact on the environment and on our local communities and reduce our overall carbon footprint. To accomplish these goals, the first step was to identify our highest areas of impact and then quantify our emissions.

Through the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG), Teleperformance was able to identify our largest areas of emission and consumption: Fuel and refrigerant emissions (Scope 1), Electricity consumption (Scope 2), and Purchased goods and services, and employee commuting (Scope 3). Yet, identifying these high-consumption areas was only the first step in our process. It was time to choose a “business as usual” starting point and set reduction targets.

Science Based Targets Initiative High


A key element for this was the development of a roadmap through the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). By submitting our targets to the SBTi and having them validated, we ensured that our environmental path was logical and that our ambitions were on track with the global goal to maintain emissions to well under 2°C. This is an ongoing challenge we are keen to achieve by 2026. We are pleased to share the results we’ve been seeing so far. Since 2019, we have managed to reduce our overall CO2 emissions from 2.133 tons of CO2 equivalent per headcount in 2019 to 1.057 tons per headcount in 2021.

But that’s not all. Today, about 20.7% of our energy is sourced from renewable energies, and we are on track to achieve our targets for 2026.

Get to know our COTP initiatives in full and learn more about COTP's numbers by reading Teleperformance’s
Annual Report or our Integrated Report. Don’t miss the chance to learn relevant insights through Teleperformance's CSR Talks webinar discussing the many ways companies can help protect the environment!


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