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Work from Home

Amid the COVID-19 Crisis, There are Heroes Among Us

Daniel Julien - 05.06.2020

Though this pandemic may seem endless at times, it, too, shall pass. Eventually.

But, for now, we’re still in the trenches. We’re fighting every day to provide some sense of normalcy – for our clients, customers, and even our own families. We’re adjusting to our new reality by doing and accomplishing things that would have sounded impossible a few short months ago. As the English proverb states – necessity is the mother of invention, and the amount of human ingenuity we’re experiencing right now, around the world, is nothing short of incredible.

Companies around the world have redesigned manufacturing sites to produce ventilatorshand sanitizersmedical masks, and hospital gowns. Individual citizens and families have also focused their newfound time on making even more gowns, masks, and full face shields. People everywhere are finding creative ways to solve problems, stay connected from a distance, and show appreciation for those risking their own safety in the defense of others.

So, amid the stress and despair, people everywhere are finding ways to help; to come together and do their part to solve humanity’s most complicated challenge in over a century.

At Teleperformance, our role in helping the world overcome COVID-19 is clear. We’ve always helped people in need, and our planet hasn’t experienced a greater time of need for human support and compassion than right now. So, we’re battling – relentlessly - for YOU.

We’re fighting for:

  • Our Teleperformance family, who represent the very heart and soul of our company. We are nothing without you.
  • Our valued clients, who trust us to deliver the support and empathy your customers need – now, more than ever. We’re here for you.
  • The people we serve, who may not know who we are. But we’re still here to help you during life’s challenges, both big and small.

So, to do our part, and best serve all who need us, Teleperformance is rapidly enabling work-from-home customer support all around the world. To accomplish this, and transition thousands of interaction experts to work from their homes at such an accelerated rate, is an enormously labor-intensive undertaking. 66% of our agents are now working from home –employees everywhere, in every role and business function, are working tirelessly to make a real, tangible difference.

Our technical teams are working endless hours to provision VPN service so home-based agents have secure access, while ensuring that our client and customer data remains secure. Our facility managers are driving to secure disinfectants and cleaning supplies so they can personally sanitize our offices and agent workstations – to keep our cherished employees safe. Our HR teams are working diligently to ensure that employees have the tools, resources, and medical support they need to stay safe.

They’re all doing their part so that our resilient agents can deliver much-needed human empathy and compassion when people are feeling most alone – and in need of essential support.

Though life has slowed and many of us are under lockdown conditions, our basic human needs haven’t disappeared. In fact, they’ve become more acute and critical than ever, and TP interaction experts are offering a lifeline for people in desperate need:

“I received a call asking for assistance in getting a meal due to COVID-19. I could hear in her voice that she was really desperate for help. My Supervisor recently reviewed this type of request, to help us understand the available options. When I told the member she qualified for assistance, she was so thankful. She said she didn’t know what she would have done without us. I am really honored to be able to impact people’s lives in such a meaningful way.” – Teleperformance interaction expert supporting a healthcare company

“I have a member who has had difficulty getting the care needed to manage his heart condition. He finally had his bypass surgery and is currently going through his second course of cardiac rehab. We have gone through quite a bit together and have established a really strong connection – so much so that he recently called to check on me! He called just to see how I’m feeling with the stress and chaos of the pandemic. For me, that really put into perspective how much of a difference we make in people’s lives.” – Teleperformance interaction expert supporting a healthcare company

These are our heroes. You won’t find them on TV or in the news. But they’re out there.  They’re in your communities right now, in every corner of the world, working overtime to make a difference in the lives of those around them. 

Heroes don’t always wear capes.  They’re just ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

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