Driving Business Agility
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Business Agility Driving Teleperformance Forward

Mark Pfeiffer - 11.10.2020

The ability to exhibit resiliency determines how far one can go, especially at a time when the entire world continues to come to terms with the impact of COVID-19. For some companies, a restart is crucial to move on forward, while most battle the challenges of adapting to the new normal. Driving business agility is essential for business to thrive.

For Teleperformance, having the agility and flexibility to adapt to the changing business dynamics was critical during the COVID-19 crisis. In an interview with CNBC, Teleperformance CEO Daniel Julien shared the impact of having agility in times of uncertainty and disruption. “What was critical for us in this crisis is agility, which is the ability to convert our brick-and-mortar call centers into remote work. And in fact, in less than two months, we were able to convert 80% of our workforce into work-at-home,” Julien explained.


A highlight of the interview centered on Telepeformance’s inclusion in the CAC40, the primary index of France’s stock exchange. “Teleperformance continues to grow, and by the end of June we will have found again our ratios of profitability,” shared Julien. The inclusion in the CAC40 reflects revenue rise, observed CNBC.


In an industry that sees the many shifts in the customers’ demands and needs, companies must learn how to rethink the way they engage with customers. For Julien, it’s all about striking a balance between technology and the human touch. “I think that each time a company tries to engage the customers in a way that is faster, simpler, and more personal and at the same time cost-effective, the customer does well,” replied Julien. What are companies doing wrong? Julien had this to say. “What is wrong is to try to avoid the customer interaction, because you need to address the customer needs.”


Fortified by the value of human connection, Teleperformance continues to see a future where great interactions are critical to an elevated customer experience. Julien put a spotlight on Teleperformance’s high-tech, high-touch approach: “What we can do today is to mix the power of artificial intelligence, analytics, bots, and RPAs with the human touch and with emotional intelligence. We have an army of 330,000 people all around the world who all take care of the day-to-day of the demand of the customer,” the Teleperformance CEO said.


Watch Daniel’s full interview by clicking here.


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