Digital Solutions Amidst a Global Pandemic
Digital Transformation

Digital Solutions Amidst a Global Pandemic

Luciana Cemerka - 05.20.2020

Over time, having the ability to adapt, react, and evolve has become beneficial for companies in various sectors. The impact of digital technology is making its presence felt now more than ever: as companies and businesses thrive to keep its continuity strategies intact, many are leaning towards implementing digital solutions to interact and support customers at such a challenging time.

As the world gradually prepares to come back from a global outbreak, digital solutions have been greatly deployed to continue meeting the customer’s needs, especially when empathy and human compassion are greatly needed. As an example, in the healthcare industry, a massive upscale in “virtual care” has been seen through chat bots accommodating thousands of US callers who wish to know more about COVID-19’s symptoms.

At a time when customers are counting on companies to meet even just the slightest of their expectations, implementing digital strategies can invite a satisfying customer experience. Instant Messaging has become the channel of choice for customers who want answers immediately. Further improving messaging channels to allow customers to get help in their own time and pace can lead to positive results, and can greatly affect the customer experience and overall productivity. Opening seamless digital channels can also have a positive impact, as human-assisting bots can be key to making things a little bit easier for customer support at a time of a global health crisis. Harnessing the capabilities of bots to provide quick answers to simple customer questions can work hand-in-hand with skilled customer support agents who are trained to talk to customers with specific needs or questions.

While there are still more questions than answers, the world continues to slowly get back up on its feet—and with this, the gradual steps that can be taken to continue supporting customers in a challenging time through technology. Contact us today to learn more about our digital solutions!

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