Fostering Humanity to Create Life’s Best Moments
Inspired to be the Best

Fostering Humanity to Create Life’s Best Moments

Miranda Collard - 07.07.2022

Our lives are often shaped by experiences that teach us to become the best versions of ourselves.

For Miranda Collard, Teleperformance’s Global Chief Client Officer, it’s all about making a positive impact on the world. A true embodiment of Teleperformance’s strong commitment to become caretakers of our communities, Miranda found herself reflecting on what it truly means to be “Inspired to be the Best” as she embarked on a humanitarian trip in Peru where each moment was marked by love, kindness, and resilience.

Read Miranda’s story below – in her own words – and learn how she is Inspired to be the Best.

After 4,263 mosquitoes and spider bites (a slight exaggeration!), a bout of bronchitis, and a total of 52 hours of travel time, I just arrived back from Peru where I have spent the last two weeks on a humanitarian trip with a team of 42: six mentors, two team leads, and 34 teenagers.

We worked in the village of Palmeras with an Indigenous Tribe located along the Amazon River. Our team was made up of five different work groups, focusing on education, vocation, business, ecology, culture, and construction. In preparation, we worked as a team for 10 months leading up to the trip in local service, planning, donations, and getting everything prepared to make sure our time was spent making the greatest impact we could.

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I was the mentor on the education team where we taught over 250 classes for over 100 children in the village. The subjects consisted of English, science, hygiene, music, and dance. We also worked side by side with the members of their community to create a massive garden with kale, lime trees, peppers, and cucumbers. For construction, we put down a cement sidewalk so the kids and villagers could get to school and other areas of the village more easily. We helped set up and fund five new business ventures, three of which are women-owned, that will help the community thrive with local agriculture and provide more economic means for the families.

It never ceases to amaze me when I think about the impact that we can create in such a short amount of time. The irony is that we all set out to serve, and hopefully, provide some small impact on the world – but what we gain in return is so much more than you could ever imagine.

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I was reminded in my daily reflections that so much of what we do in the world is based on a strong foundation of love, resilience, values, and kindness. As most of you know, I’ve been working at Teleperformance for 28 years. So much of these underlying value systems have been fostered and created for me right here, surrounded by all of you.

I think of my journey here… how the Teleperformance principles and culture are so much of who I am. I feel “Inspired to be the Best” in everything I do, both personally and professionally. My curiosity has always been fostered, the strong pull to be a global citizen met with support and love, and my business acumen constantly ignited to move mountains.

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I thought a lot about “Each Interaction Matters” over the last two weeks and what that means to me. Working side by side with the villagers, translating from Yaguas to Spanish to English, showing up vulnerable each and every day to ensure that each interaction was meaningful, leaning in with love despite the conditions and knowing what you are giving is enough for right now… I will carry these moments with me for the rest of my life.

The core of Teleperformance are these interactions – sometimes they may feel small, but what we do for our employees, partners, and their customers is create these moments that put more positive energy out into the universe. Our brilliance is how we bring to life our value system, each interaction, and work to become the very best version of ourselves.




Read more about Teleperformance’s commitment to be the best by clicking here.

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