Generative AI: Understanding the Rewards and Risks
Digital Transformation

Generative AI: Understanding the Rewards and Risks

Teleperformance - 09.11.2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) has seen major transformation in the last three years. As new technologies take big leaps to overtake previous models, AI continues to establish itself firmly as a solution that automates repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up humans to focus on more complex and meaningful tasks and discussions.


One recent AI advancement making big waves is generative AI – particularly ChatGPT, released to the public in November 2022 by OpenAI. ChatGPT is an AI-powered natural language processing tool operating in two phases: the pre-training phase which gathers data, and the inference phase for user responsiveness.  It runs on a type of generative AI model that is “trained” to gather and learn various information from the internet, as well as books, news articles, and websites often referred to as large language models.


Thanks to ChatGPT’s rise, generative AI and language model technology have created quite a stir. To further examine generative AI’s capabilities, benefits, and ultimately – risks, Jeff Schilling, Chief Information Security Officer at Teleperformance, sat down with Dr Chase Cunningham, a podcaster also known as “Doctor Zero Trust,” in a timely and insightful LinkedIn Live discussion.

Balancing High-tech with a Human touch

Generative AI is already making a tremendous impact, empowering individuals across various industries. Like any technological advancement that has come before it, the technology must be carefully overseen by humans and balanced with human understanding when an emotional connection is needed – generative AI  is no exception.


At the end of the day, AI-powered technologies are trained by analyzing mostly human created content off line.  So the risk is very low that your inputs, also referred to as “prompts,” will end up as output for another GenAI user as an output, also referred to as a “completion.”


At Teleperformance, our high-tech, high-touch approach strikes the right balance between the latest technologies – such as generative AI – and human empathy to provide the right support at the right time. While AI can quickly process large volumes of data and provide simple guidance in response to basic, mundane requests like operating hours or directions, people will still want to engage with a person when it comes to more important discussions when making medical decisions or considering financial investments.

Acknowledging the Risks

It is also critical to identify and address any risks that may accompany new technology. “Like any technology, there's always two sides to a coin. It could be used for malicious purposes at scale, just like what has happened with every other piece of tech in the history of mankind,” cautioned Cunningham. “If you are putting your information into the free version of of a GenAI technology, there is a possibility that that information could be spilled or leveraged on the backend of other things, just like everything else.”

Generative AI – like most technologies – runs primarily on data. Users may have data privacy concerns as platforms collect personal data. Attackers could also use generative AI to generate new and complex types of malware or phishing attacks. “There are definitely things to be positive about and also things to worry about. I think that the approach is to be kind of balanced and in the middle, and know that this is going to be a tool that's not going away,” Schilling stated.

TP GenAI: Aiding companies and employees alike

Teleperformance has applied AI-powered efficiencies for many years now, using it to streamline operations and processes for our clients while always making security our utmost priority. We constantly monitor risks and threats, comply with international data privacy regulations, and seek new ways to protect the data and privacy of our company, our clients, their customers, and our employees.

The biggest way to mitigate that risk is to work with an organization like Teleperformance where they are doing this work themselves. They've got the capabilities to hook into that to curate and defend that information, and keep it in an enclave of research and innovation. – Dr Chase Cunningham

TP GenAI can help businesses:

  • Automate simple, repetitive tasks that allow humans to focus on more complex tasks
  • Empower employees with real-time suggestions and guidance
  • Communicate consistently with customers ensuring greater response accuracy and increasing first contact resolution (FCR)
  • Respond faster when clients need help the most
  • Increase hours of operations using non-voice support

Click here to watch our insightful LinkedIn Live featuring Jeff Schilling and Dr. Chase Cunningham to learn more about the rewards – and risks – of generative AI.  

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