Making Flexibility and Security Work Together
Digital Transformation

Making Flexibility and Security Work Together

Teleperformance - 07.15.2021

Business resilience has become an essential facet for overcoming the many challenges brought by the “new normal.” As such, ensuring long-term operational agility has become a priority. And with a global effort to restart economies and businesses after a worldwide pandemic, we are already seeing the future of the workplace today.


The whopping rise of remote work has been evident. According to Statista, before COVID-19, only 17% of employees in the United States worked from home five or more days a week. During the pandemic, this percentage increased to 44%. In our recent CX Lab white paper, we have found that over a third of the Global CX Lab Survey’s respondents were working from home during the pandemic, with 41% expressing that they preferred it and would like to continue operating this way.


With remote work now business-as-usual, organizations must establish a robust, remote CX model built for the future. In today’s new normal, a work-at-home environment embraces a BYOD or “Bring Your Own Device” concept, allowing remote work employees to use their personal devices for work. That said, flexibility, and more importantly, security must work together for companies to seamlessly transition from a traditional brick-and-mortar operation to a work-at-home environment.


Teleperformance Cloud Campus provides a revolutionary approach for hiring, managing, optimizing, and securing remote teams while also delivering operational efficiencies. This innovative work-at-home model has been designed from the ground up to attract more talented candidates and provide the right tools, processes, technologies, and best practices for establishing high-performing, remote teams.

For Teleperformance Cloud Campus, security and data privacy have always been a top priority. The Teleperformance Cloud Campus protects sensitive data using secure, PCI-certified architectures, fraud prevention protocols, and strict employee policies. The Cloud Campus model also uses multi-factor authentication and device lockdown while ensuring that no data is stored locally.


Thinscale, Teleperformance Cloud Campus, and Secure BYOD


In TPLive, our LinkedIn Live Webinar, we recently discussed the rise of BYOD in today’s remote work setting. Hosted by Teleperformance’s Global Cloud Campus Lead Fabio Luis, we had the pleasure of talking to Andrew McNeile, Chief Customer Officer of Sales and Marketing Operations at Thinscale. Based in Ireland, ThinScale is one of the leaders in endpoint security, providing software solutions that enhance and accelerate working from home.


During the webinar, McNeile shared his thoughts on the future of a BYOD environment. “The future is secure BYOD because of the compelling economic reasons, the compelling ecological reasons, and the compelling social reasons. You’re helping people not just with the job, but also with technology that will survive beyond the future of employment,” McNeile said.


For many organizations, COVID-19 demanded speed and efficiency for them to transition to a work-at-home setting. Telepeformance’s partnership with Thinscale has resulted in a faster and more efficient recruitment process. Thinscale worked with Teleperformance to develop a validation tool that checks whether a potential employee can work in a BYOD environment. McNeile elaborated: “While in the recruitment phase, we are already checking out (a potential employee’s) technology, checking the antivirus, checking software updates, and helping them feel the machines, get them ready, and get them prepped, so that by the time they came to the onboarding piece, they’re already ready to go. And again, this is a huge advantage.”


Thinscale and Teleperformance continue to make flexibility and security work together. The partnership has been a fruitful one, driven by a passion for a better future. “I have always loved the definition of vision — a picture of a better future that motivates people to act. And I think that’s what I see when I look at the Teleperformance world — people motivated by a picture of a better future,” shared McNeile.


Learn more about the Teleperformance Cloud Campus today! Click here to watch our TPLive Webinar featuring Teleperformance’s partnership with Thinscale.

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