Stakeholder Centric Approach

Matching inside and outside view thanks to a stakeholder centric approach

Cinzia Paterlini - 12.28.2021


Each customer interaction is an opportunity to create a good experience and strengthen relationship with customers. Designing a smooth and positive Customer Experience is an opportunity not to be missed as it’s liked to higher loyalty and engagement (and reduced customer churn rate), lower marketing costs and improved crisis management.

Innovation – radical or incremental as it can be - is a process, an attitude that must be cultivated and fed, it’s a mindset that should be melded into every company’s culture, it’s a path with steps, rules and tools that must be managed by experts.

First step when it comes to improve or renew Customer Experience is to have a clear view of how the process and the journey have been designed by the company. Collect all the data, experiences, feedback, knowledge already part of the company heritage by involving a internal stakeholder centric approach in a first “discovery and assessment phase” is crucial to define the “state of the art” and identify framework and specific challenges.

Second step is listening and understanding (but also interpreting) customer’s attitudes, needs, expectations, experiences, keeping trace of rational and emotional variables, motivations and triggers, social and cultural factors, trends, and evolutions that can have an impact on shaping the experience at 360.

This is when qualitative approach comes to aid: qualitative research is about finding out not just what people think, but why they think it. It's about getting people to talk about their opinions, so you can understand their motivation and feelings.

We help our clients – by selecting the best approaches and techniques – to collect feedback, explanation, and ideas directly from their customers and to generate useful insights to create a tailor-made customer journey map.

The Experience Journey Map is a tool to visualize the experience that customers will have interacting with the company through the existing touchpoints.


Final crucial step is deploying strategic plans – starting from the insights generated that enable cross functional efforts and customer-centric culture keeping in mind company strategies, plans, opportunities, and constraints. An Internal stakeholder centric approach must be an active part of this process of “translating” customers need and request into action and process redesign.

Here’s is when Design Thinking workshops appear as the best solution to define “prototype” of possible actions and interventions, product and services, journey design: design thinking is about identifying and understanding human needs and creating new solutions to solve personal, social & business challenges in creative new ways.

In the workshops are spaces in which different types of participants are meant to contribute with their understanding of the problem and to be part of the solution, using different tools and techniques:


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The main goal is to develop possible solutions and customer journey improvement thought interactions, ideas generation that need to be tested and monitored, once put into practice, to continuously fine tune them.

Following this path, we were able to help many clients in different industries to adopt strengthened brand bonding and customer loyalty: a transportation company to implement and optimize intermodal journey, ticketing system, services for travelers; a leading international tobacco company wanting to design a CX Intelligence Ecosystem for all products; an internationally leading technology enterprise aiming to improve CX related to a specific service available for B2B clients; a start-up producing device for deaf people needing to design the customer journey from scratch.

So, who’s next?

Teleperformance's digitally integrated business services are like no other, find out more about our integrated customer experience now.

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