cx trends
Customer Experience

CX Trends: Customer expectations through the right channels

Marina Netto - 11.18.2021

As brands and companies navigate today’s post-pandemic environment, the Teleperformance Customer Experience Lab (CX Lab) remains relentless in getting to the heart of the changing CX landscape following a disruptive year the shook the world. The CX Lab—with research and data at its core—continues to empower organizations by identifying the latest CX trends, as well as helping them understand the changing customer behavior across countries, generations, and various sectors.

Business resiliency and agility have become two important characteristics for most organizations that want to meet the shifting demands of their customers during a global crisis. In terms of contact volumes to customer service, there was a lot of fluctuation – many countries and sectors that usually experience low contact volumes experience an increase, while others decreased.”

In the realm of Cx Trends, the demand for a digital-plus-human approach has risen, as customers embrace the convenience and speed of digital interactions with brands. According to a recent Channel Analysis by the CX Lab, contact volumes surged in console games, consumer electronics, and personal care sectors in 2020. Voice calls, email/web form, and mobile apps emerged as the top three channels preferred by customers.

As customers slowly embraced a digital-first environment, we venture even more into mobile apps. The CX Lab stated that more customers are contacting brands within mobile apps via in-app options such as chat with a live agent, email, and browsing through FAQs. It’s also important to note how channels play an important role in sparking loyalty between a brand and a customer: according to the CX Lab Survey, customers who thought that it was easy to find a contact channel had a loyalty intention 41% higher than those who thought it was difficult. Customers who were also satisfied with the channels a brand provides had a loyalty intention 43% higher than those who were dissatisfied.

When it comes to elevating the customer experience, knowing the right channels where your customers want to reach you is pivotal. Offering the right channels to customers presents an opportunity for companies to meet the changing expectations, demands, and behavior of their customers. Have a look below at CX Lab’s brief channel analysis and customer preferences as told by two infographics. For more in-depth insights and analysis, download the CX Lab’s white paper “Channels: What Consumers  Want Versus What They Get” today!

Unlock the potential of Integrated Customer Experience with Teleperformance: Enhancing customer satisfaction, optimizing operations, and driving business growth.

CX Lab Final Infographic
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