Observing World Youth Skills Day
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Observing World Youth Skills Day

Teleperformance - 07.13.2022

Education is a key factor in building a brighter future for our youth. To learn, as they say, is to succeed – which is why the quest for knowledge must never stop.

Yet, we still live in a world where education has become a privilege, and not a basic human right. Among the youth, the opportunities to learn new skills are scarce in underdeveloped countries. Without proper technical training and vocational education, our youth’s chances of achieving a better life diminishes. Adding another layer of challenge to an already difficult situation, the COVID-19 pandemic heavily affected the current state surrounding today’s youth and education: according to the United Nations (UN), 768 million learners were affected by partial school closures. The International Labour Association reported that youth employment fell 8.7 percent in 2020. Furthermore, the UN also stated that organizations halted skills development programs for trainees and interns – a staggering 86% of apprentices and 83% of interns and trainees experienced interruptions in their training programs during the pandemic.


Helping the Youth of Today to Achieve a Better Tomorrow

With so much at stake, the need to harness the skills of our youth must be addressed. On July 15, Teleperformance is together with the world in observing World Youth Skills Day.

World Youth Skills Day allows us to raise awareness on the importance of allowing our youth to learn and thrive. It is our responsibility to equip them with the right skills and tools so they can develop and prosper towards building a future for themselves. World Youth Skills Day is also a chance for us to reassess and redefine how we can contribute to a better tomorrow, especially for the youth living in underdeveloped nations and those who belong in minority groups.

At Teleperformance, we believe in the power of the youth. Armed with knowledge and the right skills, we know they can go far. No one gets left behind. This is why we remain invested in giving the youth of today room to grow, and provide them opportunities to become the best versions of themselves. By focusing on education and learning, we are leaving the doors open for them to reach their full potential. Here are a few of Teleperformance’s initiatives that empower the youth:


Teleperformance in Argentina


In Argentina, our teams remain committed to enriching the lives of children through education. During the pandemic, Teleperformance donated computers and provided internet connection to children and their families to ensure they would have uninterrupted access to learning material and other school activities.

Having partnered with Fundación León since 2019, Teleperformance continues to positively impact the lives of children and their families in Argentina, allowing them to beat the odds and reach higher by through education, leadership, and awareness. Through Teleperformance’s Citizen of the World (COTW) initiative, we continue to sponsor 16 young children between the ages of 13 and 17. These children receive economic aid, as well as psychological and emotional support.


Teleperformance in Brazil

Youth Skills 1


Since 2012, Teleperformance has supported the education of children in Brazil. To date, more than 7,000 books have been donated, impacting over 6,800 schoolchildren.


Teleperformance in the Philippines

In 2020, 2,000 sets of school supplies were donated by Teleperformance to children studying in seven public elementary schools in the Philippines. Furthermore, our volunteers in the country have also provided sponsorship assistance to student organizations, hosted career orientation programs, and pushed for improving the students’ hiring potential in order for them to hone their skills and be prepared for the future.


Teleperformance in India

Youth Skills 2


Teleperformance supports the education of 8,933 children in India. We are committed to making a positive change in the lives of underprivileged children, including those with visual impairment and intellectual disabilities. Our initiatives will support children’s education up to high school through digital enablement of beneficiary centers and contributions to school infrastructure construction and refurbishment.

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