Resilience Now: When Business Continuity Meets Unprecedented Events
Strategic Insights

Resilience Now: When Business Continuity Meets Unprecedented Events

Teleperformance - 06.02.2020

Building an Integrated Response to Mitigate the Current Global Crisis

As COVID-19 continues to affect business operations throughout the world, Teleperformance leaders have proactively undergone strategic conversations with all of our clients. Most already had some form of Business Continuity Plan in place, but few had a Pandemic Preparedness Plan.

Such an unprecedented event reinforced the operational dependencies required for organizational resilience. Business operations teams are working with their colleagues in HR to address health and welfare concerns, and IT to assess the logistics around various remote work options. These are just two examples of the enormous collective effort involved in helping Teleperformance clients persevere through this unprecedented crisis. As continuity partners, we can’t just consider the short-term, business continuity goals, but also examine the longer-term sustainability of the implemented measures.

A Framework for Disruption Management at Teleperformance

Teleperformance business resilience response has its own name and framework: Resilience Now.

A Resilient Approach

We are currently helping our clients deliver an integrated response that maintains operational performance, and stabilize their operations as we enter our new, post-pandemic reality. Our response model is centered around prioritizing employee safety while mitigating service disruptions for our clients.

To help us face the day-to-day management of the crisis, and having in mind the foundations of our response, we have deployed a Resilience Now framework so we can move fast while protecting our employees and customers.

Some highlights of our Resilience Now framework include:

  • Safety and Hygiene Rules
  • Employee Monitoring
  • Client Outreach
  • BCP Monitoring
  • Work-at-Home Agent (WAHA), through our Teleperformance Cloud Campus model
  • Automation, AI, and Instant Messaging
  • Comprehensive Data Security Protocols
  • Interaction and Data Analytics

Our framework aims to help clients manage their COVID-19 response and navigate the crisis. Click here to read some of our success stories and see how we have handled spiking support demand for some clients while maintaining high-quality experiences through innovation.

Beyond the Current Crisis: The New Normal

Our business landscape has changed dramatically, and it will continue to evolve. Tomorrow’s environment will be different, but not necessarily all bad. Companies with business agility will have a significant opportunity to pivot and meet new customer demands.  

Now a digital integrated business services company, Teleperformance is prepared to help transform and adapt your business to thrive in the post-crisis market. As we have modified and altered our own business over the past four decades to match customer needs and preferences, we are better equipped to help companies reinvent their business model and value proposition. We can help transform disruption into success and recognize that multiple factors will shape our “new normal,” including changes in how we live, work, and use technology.

However, one core element will endure: the human connection. At Teleperformance, we’re people that care for people.  It’s in our DNA and in everything we do. And we’re here to partner with you through this crisis and beyond.

“Let’s take care of each other. Let’s be human together. And let’s remember that no one within our extended Teleperformance family is facing this crisis alone.” — Daniel Julien, Teleperformance Chairman and CEO

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