Customer Experience

Take Your CX Strategy to the Next Level!

Marina Netto - 04.06.2021

2020, what a year it has been. We all found different forms of coping to deal with the challenges of living with a global pandemic lurking—for some, it’s learning to cook, or reading books, or binge-watching a TV series. For most, one best way of “escaping” comes in the form of playing video games, and it is totally understandable: reaching for that controller can really be quickest way to achieve even just a tinge of control in times of uncertainty.

The lockdown period across many households can be called “The Rise of Games.”  As we pivoted to spending more time indoors, video games were played, board games were rediscovered, and online games surged as we sought to console ourselves (pun intended). Over time, games—and eventually, gamification—have become a significant and major player in our culture, and have slowly started to influence the way individuals create, teach, and even share data.

This is why we at the Teleperformance Customer Experience Lab (CX Lab) are excited to share our newly launched website, where we present our important industry insights and data in a fun, interactive manner! Our website’s interactive page combines playthrough games that highlight key learnings from the CX Lab, focusing on four CX components or game paths stated below:

  • Customer experience drivers
  • Customer service channel usage
  • Changes in consumers’ shopping and spending behavior
  • Work-from-home perception 

We believe that interactive learning as presented on our website allows a more collaborative experience for our users. In addition, our new website makes it easy to see data and other important information, thanks to a fresh layout that is visually stimulating and fun! These benefits are all great reasons why we decided to brighten things up in our website by incorporating gaming aspects into the way we share actionable insights and relevant CX trends. And at the heart of it all is our commitment to help customers elevate their Customer Experience Strategy.

The CX Lab invites you to experience and discover relevant insights for customer experience strategy! Elevate your customer experience with Teleperformance's Video CX Solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can help your business thrive.

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