Game Customer Support

Taking on the Future of Gaming through Teleperformance PXP

Teleperformance - 06.15.2022

Trust Teleperformance to provide exceptional Game Customer Support

The world has truly become a digital playground, especially with today’s eSports experience. As the digital avenues widen, a wealth of opportunities to connect also emerges. To date, there is the ongoing strengthening of Web 3.0, resulting in more intelligent websites and better user experiences. There is also the metaverse, where users can interact and live within a digital universe. eSports – an organized competition using video games – continues to dazzle with its strong numbers that tell the tale of a billion dollar industry.

As a global and Game Customer Support leader, Teleperformance is always in pursuit of innovation. We are continuously taking the lead in the metaverse, and recently – we’re tapping into the exciting world of eSports experience. We are truly proud to hold “Teleperformance PXP,” a groundbreaking games and eSports convention held in Lisbon, Portugal.

Assembling the Greatest Minds in Gaming

Teleperformance PXP was attended by over 500 participants and had over 80,000 unique streaming viewers across Twitch, LinkedIn, and Youtube. The convention also became the perfect stage to launch Teleperformance’s first Global eSports Arena and Metaverse Center of Excellence located in Portugal.

The convention, hosted by presenter and eSports player Eefje “SJOKZ” Depoortere, featured the foremost opinion leaders in gaming from all over the world. “I'm very excited to be invited to Lisbon for the grand opening of the eSports arena. I'm thrilled at the opportunity to visit the beautiful city, see the great new venue, and meet many of my fans. Thank you Teleperformance,” said Depoortere.

The panel of experts discussed the eSports experience, gaming, the metaverse, and Web 3.0, exploring key insights on the future of digital interactions. Teleperformance PXP also became the venue of an international eSports tournament, where top gamers from the best teams in the world participated. The tournament was streamed entirely on Twitch on Teleperformance’s channel and on RTP Arena.

Powering the Next-Gen eSports Experience

With eSports paving the future of the gaming, Teleperformance establishes its leadership in the Game Customer Support industry by constantly evolving and innovating to meet the players where they are, further elevating the gaming customer experience. As digital environments slowly find their way into our realities, Teleperformance truly understands the meaning of “work hard, play harder” – always on the lookout to leverage the latest technologies to support the next generation of gaming, while always recognizing the need to connect in various worlds where players can escape to and have some fun.

“Teleperformance is at the forefront of innovation, of cultural innovation, of technological innovation, with pioneering boldness.” Watch the grand opening of Teleperformance PXP today!

Solutions tailored for the gaming customer service industryContact us today to learn more about how we can help your business.

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