Towards a Greener Tomorrow
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Towards a Greener Tomorrow

Clementine Gauthier - 10.24.2022

Every day is an opportunity to make a positive impact on the planet we live in.

Teleperformance remains passionate about raising environmental awareness. Together with our employees, we have become advocates of change. In envisioning better world for all, we have taken steps to reduce our environmental impact. Many of our previous Citizen of the Planet (COTP) initiatives have focused on reforestation efforts to bring – and sustain – new life.

The path towards a positive environmental change continues to be built and solidified each day. Yet, we still have a long way to go. The effects of human-caused climate change are felt globally. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continues to rise

A decline in biodiversity only increases extinction in species. As resources become scarce, there is the growing challenge of sustaining livelihood and taking care of communities in need globally.

Furthermore, the world continues to see deforestation. Between 2015 and 2020, 10 million hectares of forest were lost per year. 11% of greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans are the result of deforestation.

The time is now to act and pay attention to the state of the planet. To take care of the environment means to understand the role of trees, so we can make sure that we are taking the right steps towards a better world for all.

Hope in a Seed

Trees have long played an important role in sustaining all forms of life. They clean our air, filter the water we drink, and provide the habitat for over 80% of the world’s species. Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people. Trees protect the planet from carbon, and provide ingredients for 25% of all medications.

Now, imagine what the world would be like without trees.

Our hope is to raise greater awareness about the importance of trees, and inspire everyone to contribute towards a healthier and greener planet for us –and for future generations. There is hope, and it all starts with a seed. Planting a tree today is key to building a brighter future and vital to saving the planet.

A Little Goes a Long Way

Remember, everyone can do their part in contributing towards our common goal of saving the planet! A tiny change in your daily routine can go a long way in helping our environment. You can do so by:

  • remembering to turn off the lights to save energy
  • recycling
  • choosing to walk instead of driving
  • reducing water consumption
  • attending initiatives that raise environmental awareness
  • joining a reforestation activity

As we all aspire to become the best caretakers of the planet, we are about to take a giant leap and double our efforts in making a positive impact on the environment. Through this future environmental initiative, we will breathe new life into forests by planting trees and reach a global goal to strengthen our commitment to building a better world for all.

Keep an eye out for upcoming updates and learn how to make a positive impact on the environment by visiting the COTP page regularly!

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