Travel Assistance Services
Customer Experience

Travel Assistance Services: Putting CX in the Driver’s Seat

Teleperformance - 08.10.2022

Customer experience is the lifeline that separates the good from the best, and in a very competitive travel and hospitality landscape – travel assistance services can drive brand loyalty and customer connections. One poor customer interaction can be enough to send a brand flying off to space, never to be heard of again. An exaggeration? It could be, but it can be possible if travel and hospitality brands do not pay attention to elevating the customer experience.

The Importance of Travel Assistance Services

In its Global Survey with end-users of airlines across 13 countries, the Teleperformance Customer Experience Lab reported that 63% of consumers who contacted customer service felt that the quality of service had declined after the pandemic. Furthermore, the survey also detailed how longer wait and response times plus the lack of access to desired contact options left customers deeply unsatisfied – so much so that one in 10 customers who have experienced these customer service issues become less likely to use that airline again.

At the peak of the pandemic, the outlook for airlines might have been bleak, affecting the travel and hospitality customer services industry worldwide. But airlines companies were not alone, given that other sectors’ numbers also fell because of a global health crisis.

Today, the travel and hospitality industry is experiencing a revival, as more and more countries reopen their doors to travelers. With this, we are seeing a significant increase in demand for travel. As airports and stations become packed, it’s the perfect time for travel and hospitality companies to gear up and relentlessly find ways to offer exceptional customer experiences to travelers likely to seek travel assistance services. With this, the industry must also be prepared to overcome the challenge of addressing potential customer issues such as canceled flights, long queues, or missing baggage – and work harder to make each experience matter.

Enter Great CX

No one can deny the value of great CX in the travel and hospitality industry. Exceptional CX can be the differentiator that could awaken a dormant travel and hospitality industry that is currently on a slow recovery. Thus, prioritizing excellent experiences as a result of great travel assistance services is a must. The slightest change (thanks to digital solutions) that can affect a booking process may lead to a tremendous impact that can significantly improve the travel experience.

Being able to meet customers where they want is a sign of a great CX. As travelers become dependent on technology, travel and hospitality companies must understand the role of digital and traditional channels in providing exceptional CX. Why? According to the CX Lab, the number of channels used by consumers grew by 29%. If your customers are able to reach out to you however, wherever, and whenever they want, they feel seen, heard, and can get immediate responses or solutions to their issues or concerns.

One interesting statistic from the CX Lab’s Global Survey is that 44% of respondents would be glad to hear about additional services during an unrelated contact, while 35% would not mind a commercial offer, provided their issues are addressed first. A great customer interaction opens opportunities to promote added services or upgrades, leading to increased sales as well as brand loyalty.

Are you interested in learning more about the
CX Lab’s insights on the travel and hospitality customer service industry? Download our free white paper “Are Airlines Facing More Turbulence or Clear Skies Ahead?” today! 

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