When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Strategic Insights

When the going gets tough, the tough get going

Bhupender Singh - 06.03.2020

Do you know what’s common among the best marathon runners in the world? It’s not their strength or technique, but their #strategy.

Most good runners can muddle through and keep pace during the more manageable sections of the marathons. However, those who have strategized and trained themselves to reserve energy and are willing to mentally and physically push themselves harder during the more strenuous uphill sections end up winning.

You may wonder why I am talking about one of my running analogies when the future of marathons is grim. It’s because the current pandemic is similar to the toughest marathon. Any #business can run, but having the right strategy is the only way to survive and eventually win. 

Over the last six weeks, we have altered our BAU plans, transformed the organization, accelerated digitization to enable remote work, and tried every trick in the book to continue delivering world-class services to our clients and their customers. While all the steps we have taken to keep pace and ride out the #COVID19 storm have ensured our survival, we cannot stop now. This is the moment to double our actions! We do have an opportunity to gain a significant share by starting new initiatives and re-commencing some paused ones. 

 The global #workfromhome revolution, necessity of contact-less service, and confinement for uncertain periods have forced to rethink our business models and make them leaner, simpler, and safer, operating at significantly lower costs. A need for a 360-degree digital transformation is evident.

The question is, who will strategize and implement it faster to gain momentum over their competitors.  


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