Best Practices & Case Studies

Teleperformance named Great Place to Work® in Indonesia


GPTW® institute certification is first for Indonesia operations

  • Evaluation criteria heavily weighted on employee trust and pride in Teleperformance
  • Teleperformance Indonesia received very strong scores in all independent assessment dimensions
  • More than 85% of the worldwide Teleperformance staff currently work in independently certified best employer operations

PARIS, January 14, 2021 – Teleperformance, a leading global group in digitally integrated business services, announced today its Indonesia operations received its very first Great Place to Work® (GPTW®) certification after a comprehensive third party audit and workforce review by GPTW® Institute. Highlights include very strong scores across all measurement categories and especially in overall trust, fairness, respect and pride. In addition to work from home, Teleperformance hosts operations in 6 facilities and client sites in Jakarta, Semarang and Yogyakarta.

This achievement is particularly significant with the world still engulfed in the Covid-19 pandemic which has caused significant worldwide employment challenges and disruptions.

Holly Petroff, Global Executive Vice President, GPTW®, said: “Teleperformance Indonesia’s Great Place to Work®'s first certification is really noteworthy as 2020 was an especially difficult year globally for both employees and employers due to Covid 19. To achieve this recognition, which is based in large part on their own employees' feedback, under these conditions is outstanding. We are very happy to recognize Teleperformance in In Indonesia as a Great Place to Work® Certified company.”

Michael Wullur, CEO, Teleperformance Indonesia, commented: “We are very proud and thrilled for achieving our first GPTW® certification. This recognition is a strong statement to our Indonesia team and a really great way to kick-start our 2021. The best part about achieving this certification is it shows we are on the right track in earning the trust of our team members by our ongoing commitment to our employees to be a great organization. My appreciation goes to all of our amazing team members and the fantastic teamwork they have shown, especially during this very difficult moment of the pandemic.”

With a top global priority of employee well-being, 28 separate Teleperformance country operations including Indonesia are currently independently recognized as best employers by third party evaluators: Albania, Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Greece, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States of America. This represents more than 85% of the worldwide Teleperformance workforce.

Teleperformance Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Daniel Julien, said: “Teleperformance has recognized the vast potential of Indonesia and its people since we established operations there 18 years ago. This certification represents a good start to the New Year for both our employees in Indonesia and our Group as a whole. More than 85% of our entire Teleperformance worldwide staff of 331,000 people now work in independently certified best employer operations which is a very strong standard for large global enterprises. Our goal remains to be the best employer of choice through exceptional people care everywhere we operate.”


About Teleperformance Group

Teleperformance (TEP – ISIN: FR0000051807 – Reuters: TEPRF.PA - Bloomberg: TEP FP), a leading global group in digitally integrated business services, serves as a strategic partner to the world’s largest companies in many industries. It offers a One Office support services model combining three wide, high-value solution families: customer experience management, back-office services and business process knowledge services. These end-to-end digital solutions guarantee successful customer interaction and optimized business processes, anchored in a unique, comprehensive high tech, high touch approach. The Group's 331,000 employees, based in 80 countries, support billions of connections every year in over 265 languages and 170markets, in a shared commitment to excellence as part of the “Simpler, Faster, Safer” process. This mission is supported by the use of reliable, flexible, intelligent technological solutions and compliance with the industry’shighest security and quality standards, based on Corporate Social Responsibility excellence. In 2019, Teleperformance reported consolidated revenue of €5,355 million (US$ 6 billion, based on €1 = $1.12) and net profit of €400 million.Teleperformance shares are traded on the Euronext Paris market, Compartment A, and are eligible for the deferred settlement service. They are included in the following indices: CAC 40*, CAC Support Services, STOXX 600, S&P Europe 350 and MSCI Global Standard. In the area of corporate social responsibility, Teleperformance shares have been included in the Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120 index since 2015, the FTSE4Good index since 2018 and also the Ethibel Sustainability Excellence Europe index (confirmed in2019).

* from June 19, 2020

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