Revving up the auto industry

Take an industry that’s constantly evolving. Add complex electric mobility, self-driving vehicles and connected car technologies. Staying ahead of the curve in today’s market requires new sales and business strategies. Systems need to be flexible and scalable. And service must be available anywhere, anytime to meet customer demands.

A better experience

Choosing the right partner for today’s challenges

Seven of the top 10 auto manufacturers rely on Teleperformance to handle everything from purchase support to technical challenges and roadside assistance. Put our decades of experience and global presence to work for your business – and you, your staff and customers can sit back and enjoy a smoother ride.

Let us provide global customer service you can rely on. Our agents work across all channels and help with everything from simple questions to complex technical matters. 

Have experts in the right place at the right time to support today’s advanced applications with their specialized knowledge and training.

Our TP Mechanics solution makes vehicles and parts come to life with digital technology for automotive customer service agents. Get virtual access to expertise and technical details.

Count on our experts. They learn from knowledge databases, online simulations, live charging training for electric vehicles and experience to deliver superior, customized support.

Give customers quick, multi-channel access to knowledgeable, empathetic agents 24/7/365 – when they need help the most.

Anywhere, anytime service

Keeping customers informed and happy

Great service builds loyalty. So does knowledge. While our customer experts deliver support, our systems analyze customers’ needs and preferences to improve their overall experience.  

EV customers need cross-channel, multilingual service for:  

  • General and payment questions 
  • Vehicle selection 
  • Vehicle charging 
  • Remote maintenance of charging outlets 
  • Repair support for high-voltage systems 
  • Consultation on other topics 

Integrate important digital services for better results: 

  • Driver assistance systems 
  • Navigation 
  • Information services 
  • Entertainment 
  • Vehicle management.  

Help customers anytime, anywhere with: 

  • Multichannel support  
  • Global service from six locations 
  • 800+ team members 
  • 20 languages spoken  
  • Rapid transition from in-house service 

Deliver a smooth, unique experience when customers buy online: 

  • Integrated digital processes 
  • Expert consultation services  
  • Video technology  
  • Virtual showrooms that bring vehicles to life
  • First-class customer experiences  


Give customers seamless, personalized support for:    

  • Flexible vehicle use options 
  • Short-term ownership models 
  • Multimodal communications   
  • Vehicles on short notice 
  • An integrated end-to-end experience  

Autonomous driving

Innovation and premium service are in our DNA. In the ever-changing world of technology, autonomous driving is groundbreaking and full of promise. Imagine the opportunities if drivers could safely use drive time for work, education, entertainment and other tasks. We support partners today with premium customer service for autonomous driving – but together we’re exploring future possibilities in that area and so many others. 

Try out your new car – virtually

Experience your dream vehicle inside and out. Use your smartphone or tablet to take an augmented reality (AR) tour from Majorel, a Teleperformance Company.  The showroom is open. Are you ready for a test drive?

Learn so much more about your customers

Today’s customers expect a new, personalized level of service. Know them better so you can deliver the support they demand at the right time, every time. Interaction analytics and other Teleperformance support tools turn raw data into practical steps you can use to identify, interpret and even anticipate customer needs. 

Increase your knowledge

Ready to take off?

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