Cotp Citizen of the Planet

Teleperformance Citizen of the Planet.

Keeping future generations in mind

Since 2008, our Citizen of the Planet (COTP) initiative has ensured that we operate in an environmentally friendly and responsible manner.

An early advocate for climate change action, Teleperformance remains reducing our environmental impact by adopting measures that will better prepare us for a carbon-constrained world.

Raising environmental awareness is a fundamental part of our actions

Teleperformance participates in the call for urgent action to combat climate change and its impact on the planet.

Preserving Our Planet for a Brighter Tomorrow

Since its launch in 2008, the Teleperformance Citizen of the Planet (COTP) program has ensured that we manage our business in an environmentally friendly and responsible manner. An early advocate for climate change action, Teleperformance remains committed to reducing our environmental impact by implementing strict operational measures around the world.
Citizen of the Planet

Our carbon reduction targets

We have set carbon reduction targets through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). We have committed to reduce Scope 1 (direct emissions from owned or controlled sources) and Scope 2 (indirect emissions from the power generation) GHG emissions by 49% per employee by 2026 from a 2019 base year. We have also pledged to reduce scope 3 carbon emissions from purchased goods and services, and employee commuting by 38% per employee by 2026 from a 2019 base year.

Our goals:

Commitments made on behalf of the planet

Citizen of the Planet

Science Based Targets

Teleperformance opted to step up its own climate objectives by committing to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which involves adopting a greenhouse gas emissions target in accordance with the Paris agreement. Through this commitment, Teleperformance is seeking to increase its resilience and readiness for a carbon-constrained world.
Citizen of the Planet

The Climate Pledge

Teleperformance was one of the first 100 signatories to join the @ClimatePledge — a drive to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040 — a decade ahead of the Paris Agreement’s 2050 goal, by commiting to: report greenhouse gas emissions regularly; implement decarbonization strategies; and neutralize remaining carbon emissions with quantifiable, socially beneficial offsets.
Citizen of the Planet

Supporting our clients’ sustainability goals

We partner with our clients to achieve their environmental sustainability goals across all business functions through the use of digital technologies. Our Cloud Campus work-at-home model supports our clients' sustainability goals by reducing the number of commercial facilities and eliminating daily commutes for 70% of our global workforce, benefiting all regions of the world.
Citizen of the Planet

World Cleanup Day: Employee awareness

Teleperformance also encourages sustainable practices among its employees and suppliers to reduce the global carbon footprint. The support and enthusiasm of our people are essential to reach these environmental goals. Each year, Teleperformance employees participate into various environmental campaigns and awareness activities around the world such as the World Cleanup Day movement by cleaning up the waste on beaches, rivers, and streets in our communities.

Key performance indicators 2022

We track and minimize our carbon footprint worldwide

Key strategies adopted to reduce climate change risks

Global Initiative

2022 World Cleanup Day

On World Cleanup Day (September 17), our employee volunteers from different parts of the world participated in various activities that aim to make our world a better place for everyone. Together, we can save the planet.

A few of the COTP initiatives led by our subsidiaries