Championing Child Safety in the Digital Age, Together with Thorn and All Tech is Human
Trust and Safety

Championing Child Safety in the Digital Age, Together with Thorn and All Tech is Human

Teleperformance - 04.30.2024

The proliferation of generative AI models has been transformative for the way people connect, communicate, create, and share or receive information. However, as generative AI becomes increasingly used and integrated into our daily lives, there is a need to ensure that these tools are safeguarded against abuse by bad actors. This is especially the case when it comes to protecting children. Research conducted by Stanford and Thorn has already identified serious abuses to children through the use of genAI models.  

Protecting children in the digital realm, particularly from genAI harms, demands a multifaceted approach encompassing safety by design, regulatory frameworks, effective content moderation, and parental guidance. As a global Trust & Safety leader, Teleperformance has led the industry in our approach to content moderation that focuses on quality and innovation. Through the work of our Trust & Safety Advisory Council, our participation in the Child Online Protection Laboratory, and our collaboration on research with leading child safety organizations, Teleperformance is committed to delivering a safer experience for young people online. Leveraging advanced technology alongside a skilled global workforce, Teleperformance ensures that digital platforms remain safe and inclusive environments.

Our strong drive to uphold safe and secure environments for the younger audience is even more solidified: we are proud to announce that Teleperformance has joined an initiative spearheaded by Thorn and All Tech is Human to support strong child safety commitments for generative AI. The initiative aims to mitigate the risks generative AI poses to children.

Teleperformance joins key tech industry leaders in a coordinated effort to help prevent harm to children caused by misusing generative AI technologies. We are the only content moderation services provider to contribute to this initiative, reinforcing our commitment to developing, deploying, and maintaining safe and secure generative AI technologies.

To support and prioritize child safety in digital spaces across all stages, Teleperformance will support its clients wherever possible to:

Review client training datasets and safeguard them from child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and child sexual exploitation material (CSEM)

Assess models for their potential to generate AI technologies to create or spread child sexual abuse material (AIG-CSAM) and CSEM and mitigate any issues found before clients host on their platforms

Help clients detect abusive content (CSAM, AIG-CSAM, and CSEM) in data inputs and outputs

Help clients retroactively assess hosted models for their potential to generate AIG-CSAM and CSEM, and help to update them with improvements

Detect, report, remove, and prevent CSAM, AIG-CSAM, and CSEM found on clients’ platforms

Teleperformance invites you to download the full report published under this effort with the full set of Safety by Design principles committed to by Amazon, Anthropic, Civitai, Google, Meta, Metaphysic, Microsoft, Mistral AI, OpenAI, and Stability AI.

Thorn is a nonprofit that builds technology to defend children from sexual abuse. Founded in 2012, the organization creates products and programs to empower the platforms and people who have the ability to defend children.. All Tech Is Human brings together people and organizations to co-create a tech future aligned with the public interest, collectively tackling tech and society’s complex problems.

Teleperformance continues to implement trusted and award-winning content moderation services, always prioritizing and upholding the integrity and safety of children in the digital space.

Contact us today to learn more about our trust and safety services.


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