In times of crisis, leaders normally react in two differing ways: retreat behind reasons of why things cannot be done or forge ahead with trust that answers can be found and that he or she will act and try to find solutions. And you know who, between the two, is a leader -- regardless of rank or designation.
“Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another,” says John Maxwell in his book Becoming a Person of Influence: How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others.
It is a powerful lesson that I have witnessed throughout this sweeping global pandemic which has managed to pull the rug from under so many organizations – that leaders are people who care. They care about other people, they care about the future, and they care about their responsibilities.
When they see that something really needs to be done, whether it is to keep people safe or to make sure customer needs are supported, leaders would stand up and take on the responsibility. And act.
Without this sense of responsibility which goes beyond accountability, people would be certain to stay within their myopic view of their role, their circle of tasks and their job descriptions. They will certainly feel justified in reasoning that it’s someone else’s job to fix problems or come up with solutions. It really does take heart and boldness of spirit to step up simply because they care about the outcome for all.
How do we create a culture where people can build courage in spirit and boldness in action and be the leaders that we need in times of crisis?
At Teleperformance Philippines, we have seen the importance of building our culture in the everyday interactions, in the daily practice of the TP DNA and of our core values, to clearly demonstrate the attitudes and attributes we believe will take us to our future.
As the company earned its certification as Great Place to Work for the third year in a row, we prove to ourselves that it is indeed in a work environment where people trust each other and trust management where we can nurture an engaged workforce who will hunker down in the toughest times, stay the course, and fuel the recovery initiatives after the crisis ends.
People trust that their leaders are listening to them and their ideas, and if they are willing to act on it, they have the full support of the organization. People trust that should they have an innovative solution that does not succeed, their jobs remain secure and they can try again. People trust that their work is meaningful and has an impact, and their contributions are recognized and valued.
With a culture that is built with thought and care for the people, for their wellbeing and their growth, for their welfare and their future, you have a community that is strong and resilient. Creating a high-trust culture is worth every investment of time and resources, as you are building a company of leaders who care. These same leaders are the key to rebuilding after a crisis, and that rebuilding has already started today!