
| ESG Solutions

With a score of 70/100, up 4 points vs. 2022, Teleperformance is well above the 46/100 average for its sector. The marked increase in the social criterion (+9 points) highlights the Group's efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, social dialogue, employee development and respect of human rights. Its steady rise since 2019 (+15 points) confirms the validity of its CSR approach.

GMT Icons Vector October 2021 30


Moody's logo - ESG Solutions Awards | ESG Solutions

With a score of 70/100, up 4 points vs. 2022, Teleperformance is well above the 46/100 average for its sector. The marked increase in the social criterion (+9 points) highlights the Group's efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, social dialogue, employee development and respect of human rights. Its steady rise since 2019 (+15 points) confirms the validity of its CSR approach.

Teleperformance’s Investor Friendly approach recognized once again in the Institutional Investors Extel annual ranking

Based on investor votes (survey results published in September 2023). The Group was ranked in the Top 1 or 2 in five different categories within the Business & Employment Services sector in Europe.


Euronext Paris, compartment A

Euronext ticker: TEP – ISIN: FR0000051807 Reuters: TEPRF.PA – Bloomberg: TEP FP

Euronext sector classification:
Professional Business Support Services (ICB)

Number of outstanding shares:
63,443,054 as of December 15, 2023

Market capitalization:
€7.8bn as of December 15, 2023

Global indices:
CAC 40, STOXX 600, S&P Europe 350, MSCI Global Standard et Euronext Tech Leaders

ESG indices:
CAC 40 ESG (since 2022) Euronext Vigeo Euro 120 (since 2015), EURO STOXX 50 ESG (since 2020), MSCI Europe ESG Leaders (since 2019), FTSE4Good (since 2018), et S&P Global 1200 ESG (since 2017)

ESG Ratings MSCI : A


In September 2023, the Group had nearly 530 identified institutional investors, broken down geographically* as follows:


Following the finalization of the Majorel acquisition, Teleperformance’s shareholding structure changed as follows (as of December 15, 2023):


Save the date

(indicative agenda)

March 6, 2024 - 2023 Annual Results

April 30, 2024  - First-quarter 2024 revenue

Second-quarter 2024 - Capital Market Days
(event date will be announed soon)