Empowering success

Created to celebrate and empower women, both here at Teleperformance and beyond

Our TP Women initiative seeks to address the challenges faced by women in the workplace and drive positive change. We see profound value in helping to elevate these discussions and become change agents in our industry, and around the world. We live these values through our commitment to proactively promoting gender awareness, equality, and empowerment.
Logo TP Women

We support equal opportunity and participation at all levels

TP Women’s objective is to maintain an overall equal gender distribution in the Group's workforce and in management positions, and to increase the proportion of women in governing bodies. 

Establish high-level corporate leadership and accountability for gender equality. Measure and publicly report on progress to achieve gender equality through initiatives and advocacy.

Provide internal training on implicit bias and gender issues for men and women.

Promote education, training, and professional development for women.

Treat all women and men fairly at work and ensure the safety and well-being of all workers.

Some of the initiatives carried out in 2022

Connect. Inspire. Empower.

TP Women proudly hosted the inaugural our Women Leading Change event that truly became a platform for connections, inspiration, and women empowerment. Held in various locations across the globe, the event’s objective was to connect and inspire brilliant female minds.
Empowering & Celebrating Women

Recognizing women leading change

Worldwide Outstanding Women Awards (WOW)

Teleperformance’s WOW Awards is an internal awards program that honors the remarkable women of Teleperformance.

TP Women podcast

Exclusive TP Women playlist and insightful podcasts on Spotify

Playlists with empowering music to keep you inspired, motivated, and happy. Also, be sure to listen to our latest podcasts with some of our great inspirational leaders!
Empowering & Celebrating Women

TP She Talks

Join us for 45-minute conversations where successful female executives share life stories, their career journey, and achievements.
Empowering & Celebrating Women
Empowering & Celebrating Women
Empowering & Celebrating Women

Learn more about TP Women

Empowering success and driving change

TP Women Board

TP Women board members are involved in a mentoring scheme designed to help high-potential female talent access more senior roles in the Group.

Discover more about TP Women

Our awards speak for themselves