Here the title should contain the focus keyword and tagged as H1.
Here the module should always be the rich text module.
You can also highlight parts of your text, bu using simply bold or you can also use this piece of code embedded in the text to highlight with the color gradient class="text-gradient-padrao"
here you can write secondary information
Here the module should always be the rich text module.
You can also highlight parts of your text, bu using simply bold or you can also use this piece of code embedded in the text to highlight with the color gradient class="text-gradient-padrao"
New info
You can use modules to highlight information
remember to use the tp iconography
You can use this one to show services, important information, steps or anything that you can compartmentalise
Voice-to-chat, voice-to-messaging
Reduce call wait times by offering queued callers options for a mobile chat or instant message with a live agent.
Social media
Engage with your community to resolve issues, build your reputation, raise awareness, improve journeys, and create brand advocates.
Combine digital assistants and live agents to provide the answers and experiences and experiences your clients need.
Sometimes you can play with backgrounds
If you want go give emphasis to some kind of information or feel like the page is too continuous and needs a break, you can play around with backgrounds in your modules.
Using the light gray F7F7F7, might be a good option if you feel like the pink, blue or orange background is too much.
You can use numbers to grab your audience attention!
Numbers are a big deal!
Utilizing big numbers to showcase results is effective as it immediately grabs attention, conveys scale and success, and instills confidence, creating a compelling and memorable impression for the audience.
Get inspired
Videos are a great way to showcase information in a dynamic way!
either you're trying to show your audience how amazing our offices are, or you're trying to show an event, you can use videos to show it in a more emmersive way!
You can opt to use videos from youtube or videos from our twentythree platform.
don't leave your audience hanging!
If you've reached the end of your page, remember it's very important that you dont leave your audience without a way out.
You can easily use one or more CTA's to send the user to another page or to fill a form.
remember that a dead end could cost you important leads!
Use a contact form for maximum chance of increasing your leads
Be smart with your content!