A Leading Approach To Corporate Responsibliity
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

A Leading Approach to Corporate Responsibility

Teleperformance - 02.07.2022

With our ongoing commitment to social responsibility through our growing list of initiatives that strive to make a positive impact, Teleperformance is grateful and beyond honored to be the recipient of a full, Enterprise-wide Social Responsibility Standard (SRS) certification from Verego! This is the eighth consecutive year Teleperformance has received this recognition.

Created in 2012, Verego’s SRS Certification continues to set the highest social responsibility standards, recognizing organizations that manage, implement, or improve their social responsibility programs, initiatives, and goals. It uses a holistic approach, integrating five key areas during its assessment for a company’s certification: Leadership, Ethics, People, Community, and Environment. Teleperformance once again exceeded requirements in all five categories within the corporate-level assessment.

Leadership focuses on the organization’s commitment to corporate responsibility; Ethics focuses on the organization’s conduct and the processes it uses to procure goods and services; People focuses on the organization’s protection of human rights as well as critical employment; Community focuses on the organization’s engagement and investment in its local communities; and Environment focuses on the organization’s ability to measure, report, and improve impact on the environment.

"2021 marks the eighth consecutive year that Teleperformance has achieved certification in all five areas of Verego's SRS Standard, continuously demonstrating its leadership in responsible business practices. Across its enterprise, Teleperformance has been able to satisfy every single Verego assessment criteria this year. All 26 assessed sites participated in Verego's Employee Survey, sharing over 5,000 responses from around the globe, which illustrated a high level of satisfaction and awareness of the organization's approach to corporate responsibility.”

-- Carole Kerrey, Lead Certification Assessor at Verego

Through the years, Teleperformance’s corporate social responsibility initiatives have focused on the bringing the greater good and a brighter future to our local communities and the environment. At the heart of it all is our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“It is very humbling to receive our eighth consecutive global social responsibility certification by Verego. Please know, the Group’s worldwide commitment to corporate social responsibility is total and unconditional; we will continue to work very hard for the safety and well-being of our people, the corporate and financial health of our Group, and helping our world’s environment and the communities where we live and work. This comprehensive audit examined multiple Teleperformance operations all around the world and independently validates that we are on the right track as a strong and global CSR leader.”

-- Daniel Julien, Teleperformance Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


We would like to extend our sincere gratitude once again to Verego for recognizing our commitment to social responsibility, which only strengthens day by day! We would like to thank our Teleperformance teams from all over the world, whose generosity, care, and compassion have fueled our drive for a better and happier world.

Here’s to making a greater difference and creating a positive impact this 2022!

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