Bridging the Gap: Cloud Campus Connecting Remote Teams
Work from Home

Bridging the Gap: Cloud Campus Connecting Remote Teams

Teleperformance - 06.08.2022

At present, the remote work technology shows a picture of rapid and continuous development. Looking at the numbers, it is clear how employees have chosen to embrace remote work, with a strong preference of a hybrid model that allows working in a traditional office space and working from home: in an article by Microsoft, 73% of employees[1] want flexible remote work options to stay.

It Looks like Remote Work Technology is Evolving. What’s Next?

Over the course of the global pandemic, we’ve seen how remote work technology aided in redefining the work-at-home experience. Team collaboration software became in demand, as the need for cloud synchronization, project management and instant messaging tools, and virtual board rooms exponentially grew. Employees heavily depended on file-sharing and documentation management software to seamlessly integrate work files and emails in order to quickly transfer or receive documents and media.

Remote work continues to offer key benefits, such as unmatched flexibility and employee productivity. However, despite its advantages, remote work also presents a growing challenge. The key to a successful hybrid or remote work integration – today, and tomorrow – is addressing the need to bridge the gap and learning how to engage and connect employees across virtual spaces.

What TP Employees are Saying – and How Cloud Campus is Responding

In Teleperformance’s 2022 Work-from-Remote Employee Preference Survey, we discovered our employees’ attitudes towards remote work. The survey, which had over 127,000 responses from 42 countries, stated that 78% of TP employees prefer to exclusively work in a remote environment.  Among the respondents, only 10.4% prefer to work exclusively in the office. Furthermore, our employees also detailed the top three major benefits of working from home: the time saved commuting, reduced travel costs, and better work-life balance.

Because of the strong emergence of today’s work-at-home environment, a 100% wide-scale return to the office might seem unlikely. Given the extreme need for the global workforce to have remote-work options, it is clear that companies that do not permanently adopt remote work will be at a disadvantage. With this being said, it is highly imperative for companies and organizations to implement a remote or hybrid work model that achieves business resiliency while also acknowledging the need to create exceptional experiences for their employees. As exceptional employee experiences in a work-at-home environment have become mandatory, companies must be reminded that the greater the distance, the greater the need for connection.

The Teleperformance Cloud Campus provides a revolutionary approach for hiring, managing, and engaging remote teams while ensuring business continuity for clients. It leverages remote work technology to further empower our employees who are working from home, becoming a centralized, secure, and world-class platform that delivers a rich and engaging social environment to keep remote teams connected.

As the distance continues to prescribe a more engaging virtual work environment where our employees feel the need to thrive, grow, and learn, Cloud Campus remains committed to keeping our remote teams connected. To engage our teams across virtual spaces, Cloud Campus implements a remote tool that allows having an always-open video and chat line for remote teams to interact. This is also a platform wherein remote teams can receive coaching, training, and support, or conduct daily meetings. Daily engagement dynamics and activities are also held to keep our teams engaged.

As the future of remote work remains to be seen, make sure that you have the competitive advantage. Bridge the gap with Teleperformance Cloud Campus and let us help you in successfully managing, engaging, and inspiring remote teams!







[1] 2021 Work Trend Index:  study of 31,092 full-time employed or self-employed workers in 31 countries

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