Digital Transformation

TIEC Partner Engagement

Teleperformance - 01.28.2022

In December 2021, we hosted our strategic digital partners at the Teleperformance Innovation and Experience Center (TIEC) in Santa Clara, California. This was a great opportunity to meet some of our key partners including Automation Anywhere, CallMiner, Celonis, Centrical, Datagamz, Hive, Khoros, Microsoft, Twilio, UiPath and Uniphore.


The TIEC is an immersive environment in the heart of Silicon Valley that creates new ways of transforming customer experiences. Visitors experience dynamic technology demos, participate in design thinking experiments to redesign products and services relevant to their business, and incorporate Teleperformance's high-tech high-touch approach to redesign the holistic customer experience.


During the partner event, the participants used design thinking to brainstorm on how to vastly improve CX through the use of advanced technologies such as AI, ML, NLP and APIs that integrate best-of-breed partner products with Teleperformance’s own product suite.


Following the invigorating half day session, Michael Bode of Twilio commented "most engaging session I have ever been a part of!" and Kunal Rahalkar of Datagamz added "I travelled all the way from Australia…it was totally worth it."


Throughout the engagement, Digital Transformation was top of mind, along with creating solutions that follow the core tenets of the TIEC: Think Like a Customer, Create an Engaging Experience, Differentiation and a Glimpse into the Future. The participants will work together in the next few months to continue to build MVPs and solutions that will highlight these elements and demonstrate the different facets of Teleperformance innovation and the end-to-end solution we offer along with our partners.


Know more about the TIEC:



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