Best Practices & Case Studies

Boosting Business through #GenderSmart

Teleperformance - 09.22.2017

As per definition, ‘Gender’ is the state of being male or female. But, typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones.

This factor in perceiving and acting upon genders differently gives birth to most of gender-related bias and inequality in society and at workplaces. This not only hurts the socio-economic development of a household, company, country and the world, it also disturbs and weakens the entire equilibrium set for the human race; gendering the roles thereby unbalancing the success paradigms. #GenderSmart was our answer to tackle that bias and utilize it to improve customer experience we provide to our client’s customers.

As we go along making efforts to uplift one gender which has suffered negative bias over the years, businesses must understand that Gender Equality is no more ‘good to have’, but a core need to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. Through the #GenderSmart initiative that started more than a year ago at Teleperformance in India, we have tried to strengthen this case and back it with evidence for companies to realize and address.

In 2016, Teleperformance in India pledged for parity, starting with equal representation of women and men across spheres, levels and processes in the company. Today, the 12,800+ people team is leading this charter forward, aligned to our guiding principle of the 5Ps Culture – entailing PEOPLE build the PASSION that drives PURPOSE, instills PRIDE and together connects the dots to reflect in company PERFORMANCE.

Success of the #GenderSmart initiative has truly been a reflection of the core of 5Ps culture which is being people-centric. It will be modest to say that the campaign received recognition and great response from the global community coming forward to join hands in our efforts and creating deep-rooted impact on the issue of Gender Parity at Workplace. Thousands of voices from within Teleperformance and global organizations across the world including Australia, Brazil, India, Singapore, UK, and US shared their understanding and pledged their support to promote the #GenderSmart cause, resulting in a 99% share of voice on Google and Facebook.

#GenderSmart: Together, we are leading our commitment to bold action.

Acknowledging Gender Balance as more than a social cause is linked to global research and business results we have tracked over the years. We recently released the #GenderSmart e-Book encapsulating the business case study of how being #GenderSmart helped us improve customer engagement and experience and how we utilized its benefits to strengthen business and influencer connect.

In our line of business, understanding consumer behavior is key to improving service and deciphering the gender-related exemplars is a part of it. Michelle Obama said, “Women are working more, men are understanding their value as caregivers, women are primary breadwinners — I mean, we could go on and on and on. Things are different. So we can’t keep operating like everything is the same, and that’s what many of us have done. And I think it’s up to us to change the conversation.” More than 50% of buying decisions lie with women and more women on the team on the business side brings better understanding of the customer behaviors and produces a more holistic analysis of the issues at hand leading to improved decision-making.

The transformation in the thought-process that included not only adding more women to the team, remote work, going beyond the mandatory maternity benefits, flexibility for better work-life benefits and offering support of #HeForShe had tremendous results follow suit for our business swiftly:

#GenderSmart Business Results

Following the 4 Point Agenda:

  • Inspiring impact, involving everyone, engaging all
  • Putting #GenderSmart commitments into practice
  • Creating a workplace with an inspiring culture
  • Engaging online with global communities to pledge their support to the cause.

To know more, click ahead to read the #GenderSmart eBook

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Contributor: Neha Sethi @nehacsethi

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