Strategic Insights

Creating the best workplace requires you to be #PEOPLESMART

Teleperformance - 08.22.2017

For creating the best workplace, our journey has been a focused on magnifying people’s efforts and caring for them like our family. This transformation started with changing one key factor, from yelling and telling to becoming a listening heavy organization and that’s where the future of our people practices rested. In the last 4 years itself our overall employee satisfaction, Net Promoter Score has moved up by 7 points.

At Teleperformance in India, making the employees shine and create a transparent culture is prime. However, the picture was not as rosy about a decade back when for the first time we measured our employee satisfaction. The results necessitated us to make some core changes to the strategy of engaging people. What we did, however, was not re-create a new rulebook but align the rules of customer service for employee service. At arm’s reach, employees are the first customers and have the power of making a significant impact on every aspect of business.

For creating the best workplace, the strength lies in being #PEOPLESMART

Today, team Teleperformance is ranked among the top 10 employers in India and the #1 BPO and best workplace for its employees. According to the recently concluded Great Place to Work Institute survey, we were ranked #8 Best Company to Work for in the country which was the 5th recognition for the team from the Great Place to Work® Institute and has been awarded Aon Best employer award thrice.

For creating the best workplace, the strength lies in being #PEOPLESMART

We owe this success to our 5Ps that’s centered on PEOPLE and their journey of transformation!

Creating a culture of Care, Empathy & Inclusiveness

Company culture has been the talk of the town off late as one of the key topics in business forums across the globe. When we embarked on our journey of building the best workplace, while the ingredients were ready to use with our rulebook, we were yet to lay the roadmap and the behaviors we were striving for – as change in behaviors directly reflects in cultural transformation. So we started forthright on the path of creating four key organizational imperatives:

Transformational Leadership: A company’s culture is defined by its peoples’ behavior and leadership is about creating more leaders, not followers. For the best workplace, mentoring and reverse mentoring are key elements of leadership where we don’t follow the funnel approach for learning. We believe that transfer of knowledge is a two-way process top-down and bottom-up wherein our daily ATAC sessions between ops teams help establish stronger relationships among team members and aids best practices sharing, ultimately building a team oriented towards performance.

Another best practice that the team has put into practice last year for ensuring transparent leadership is by replacing our annual appraisal process with monthly performance scorecards having key KPIs giving managers the opportunities to coach and ensure real-time improvement for any gaps.

Excellence through Diversity: We are committed to creating #GenderSmart workplaces worldwide with 43% representation of women in our board of directors. Driving this agenda globally, we strive to create a culture of inclusiveness where every individual despite their gender, race or language is driven to achieve their full potential.

Service Culture: Our business is about solving problems. And every individual in the organization is either a service provider or customer, wherein following service standards is intuitive. Our listening culture is the nucleus of leadership and team dynamics wherein open channels of communication like chat with the CEO, super days with site heads and skip levels are stipulated practices to voice opinions, get resolutions to problems and share ideas.

Purpose Driven Performance: 1,000+ career advancements half way through 2017 is a strong testimony of our core values as an organization including Integrity, Respect, Professionalism, Innovation and Commitment. PEOPLE are at the core of our 5Ps culture where they build the Passion that drives Purpose which instills Pride and is reflected in Performance. When people grow, business grows!

This CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION carved the new path for the future

5Ps have helped us create the right environment that’s core to the best workplace and catapult discretionary effort through:

    • A healthy CULTURE that increases employee satisfaction, happiness, and loyalty, driving PASSION about the work they do;
    • More TRANSPARENCY between management and employees building TRUST;
    • Create a working environment appealing to MILLENNIALS;
    • A #SmartOrganization with flexible and supportive work environment;
  • Creating a social environment where recognition flows from peer to peer;

Happy Employees = Happy Customers = Happy Shareholders!

Creating a great culture for the best workplace is a continuous journey but till now it has been more than exhilarating for us where we have grown as a family and accepted challenges and overcame them – all thanks to our highly passionate team that transforms passion into excellence, every day.

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Contributors: Neha Sethi @nehacsethi

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