DigitalSmart: Convert your Website Traffic into Effective Leads
Best Practices & Case Studies

#DigitalSmart: Convert your Website Traffic into Effective Leads

Teleperformance - 02.24.2017

More traffic to website doesn’t always mean more business

In order to generate business from your website traffic, have a 360 degree marketing approach–

Create good content> drive traffic to your website> convert traffic to a lead> promote your service/ product.

In this post, we focus on ways to convert the traffic into leads- for your business.

All tips below are based on our experience working on blogs which run on the WordPress platform. If your blog or content channel is not based on WordPress, you can still apply these best practices to get best results. Learn the basic steps of creating a WordPress site here.

1. Landing Pages

A landing page is the most effective format to convert a visitor into a lead. While the purpose of any landing page is to provide information; it should also have contact form integrated to collect user information. Effective landing pages presented to targeted traffic can give a conversion ratio of 10%-30% and higher.

landing pages

Putting up multiple landing pages inside your blog or website increases the chance of more people coming via search engines, referral and direct traffic (more the number of pages present on blog or website, as higher chances of getting more pages indexed with Google search) thereby generating more business enquiries for you. Try inter-linking between several pages within your website or blog, which is good from SEO perspective.

Different landing pages serve different purpose of UI & UX to people and hence one should never rely on only one. Always do A/B testing between different landing pages to find the one that works best for you, a leader in inbound marketing software and methodology recommends that a business should have as much as 40-50 landing pages with different offers.

2. Unlockable Pop-up Forms

Unlockable popups which you may have seen in many websites and blogs are one of the best ways to convert web traffic into leads. Anywhere around 2% to 10% of your daily blog traffic is likely to convert into leads based on the effectiveness of your offer.

popup forms

For WordPress, there is a plugin called Popup Domination or Thrive Leads which can create aesthetically pleasing popup forms on your website. These plugins are paid (you can try the free version to find capability). These plugins also offer split testing and tracking options. The above image shows a popup form in action.

3. Opt-In Forms in Sidebars and Below Posts

The sidebar of any blog and the area below the post is a great location for opt-in forms. People pay attention to the sidebars once they are done reading the blog and there is high chance they will opt-in for a relevant offer via these forms. As soon as the readers finish reading the blog, we can engage them with our CTA & get contact details for future engagement programs through email or phone based marketing (sms, what’s app etc.)

Sidebar and Below Posts

4. Opt-in Forms inside Videos

With the popularity of web videos, a new breed of opt-in forms- inside videos- has become popular. The following screenshot shows a video with an opt-in form which pops-up during the video and lets the internet user continue watching the video after that form is either filled or exited. You can also make it mandatory to opt-in by disabling the skip this step option. The form can be configured to appear at the beginning or the end of the video.

Opt-in Forms

A premium WordPress plugin called LeadPlayer is an effective tool to create opt-in forms inside videos. It has a lot of different options and it works well with YouTube video. You can use an existing YouTube video inside your own website for such customization.


5. Headers Forms

You can place an opt-in box in the header area – the most valuable piece of real estate on any website. Studio Press has a theme called Generate which has a header opt-in form built into it. You can also develop a custom theme if you have the resources and also split test it to improve its conversions.

headers form

The above image is a screenshot of the Generated WordPress theme.

While there are multiple techniques for effective lead generation, the underlying need is the same; to generate business from your website traffic.

Give your audience customized and relevant content that builds trust and engagement, then present what you have to sell!

Do let us know what you think of the above options and if they worked well to support your digital campaigns.

Contributors: Neha Sethi @nehacsethi | Gaurav Advani @qaurav_advani 

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