Fueled by the Passion to Create a Positive Impact across Communities
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Fueled by the Passion to Create a Positive Impact across Communities

Teleperformance India - 02.21.2023

"The greatest social responsibility is not in doing more but in doing better." – Peter Drucker

Teleperformance India – being a ‘Force of Good’

It is this belief of creating a better world that has driven us and fueled passion into our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Placing people and their well-being at the core of our value system, our strategies, and our business, is ingrained deep into our DNA and has kept us moving forward with the ‘Force of Good.’

We, at Teleperformance India, have always found ourselves committed towards giving back to the communities where we operate in. It is this commitment that we have imbued in all our CSR endeavors for more than 15 years, and therefore, have made ripples of positive differences in the world by improving the lives of different segments of our communities, including children, the elderly, veterans, women, and those in need.

Winning hearts and recognition with an all-encompassing approach.

Our distinctive 360-degree approach to building sustainable CSR programs focuses not only on investment or donations, but also encompassing all the aspects of each of our CSR project development, from initiation to growth, and sustenance to impact-oriented outcomes.

Owing to this all-inclusive approach and the active employee engagement as CSR volunteers, Teleperformance India's CSR initiatives have frequently received recognition at industry forums. Some of these include:

  • 9th Consecutive Full Enterprise-wide Social Responsibility Standard (SRS) Certification Award by Verego (2023)
  • Global CSR Excellence & Leadership Award in the category of ‘Best Corporate Social Responsibility Practices’ at the World CSR Congress Awards (2022),
  • Gold for the ‘Best Corporate-Community Partnership’ category at the 10th ACEF Asian Leaders Awards (2021)

COTW Program – Strengthening the building blocks of the country.

Teleperformance India recognizes the vital role of quality education and skill development as the building blocks of an economically thriving nation. However, marred by numerous challenges such as lack of economic or technological resources or societal biases of gender or class, India contributes about 37% of the global illiterate adults – the largest population of uneducated people in the world. Our vow to fight the status quo and bring a positive change by ensuring access to quality and free education for every child, has been the primary driving force for our COTW (Citizens of the World) program. Designed for a long-term impact, this program aims at providing education, training programs, infrastructure support, and digital aids for enabling the education of children who are underprivileged, visually impaired and intellectually challenged.

Additionally, it places emphasis on the continuity of education and job readiness of these children and the youth. Thus, the Pathshala initiative under the COTW project exclusively focuses on setting up school infrastructure for children, digital enablement of education centers in remote locations in India, and empowering youth and women, to enable them to sustain a livelihood through special skill development workshops, such as mobile repair, sewing, weaving, etc.

As part of our COTW Mentorship program, our objective is to ensure better learning and long-term success for our beneficiaries. To achieve this, the program follows a two-pronged strategy:

  1. Helping the underprivileged children keep up with new-age skills, such as coaching them on technological advances in AI/ML, Python, robotics, coding, and programming, so they are well-equipped for Industry 4.0.
  2. Bridging the gap between education and livelihood for underserved youth through mentorship and interventions, including training in soft skills, interview skills, corporate grooming, and group and one-on-one mentorship sessions.

Under our COTW project, we have also carried out other goodwill movements, including supporting disabled army veterans. We have impacted the lives of 340 disabled soldiers by enabling their technological skill-building, renovating residential facilities, and building a sports pavilion for supporting their physical wellbeing.

At Teleperformance India, we aim to leave a lasting impact in the communities we serve. Our focus on education and skill development as key foundations for a developing nation has driven us to create better educational infrastructure, digital education in the distant places, and empower local communities. We have touched more than 10,000 children across 7 states and 29 cities in India. With €4 million pledged to our initiatives until 2024, we plan to reach an additional 5000 children through our future endeavors and continue uplifting our communities towards a brighter future – one good deed at a time.


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