Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)

Get More Customers with Conversion Rate Optimization

Teleperformance - 06.28.2018

Conversion Optimization, or Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the art and science of converting website visitors into leads and sales. As the definition goes, in digital marketing, CRO is a process of increasing conversion of the percentage of visitors of a website or landing page into customers that take the desired action deemed by the brand or business.


So how do you tie marketing directly to revenue? Most often all digital marketers are riddled with this pertinent question. What’s the RoI on a marketing or advertising campaign investment? ‘Return’ here refers to ‘Revenue’ through sales or customer acquisition. While Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the first step to bringing the customers to your website or online store, Conversion Rate Optimization is the definitive progression to convert those visitors to doers and money makers for your business.

THE CRO JOURNEY – Conversion Rate Optimization Infographic


Here are 5 simple steps that can help you increase conversion rates on your website. Though before you start, add VIDEO to your strategy! Now let’s start by:

1. Understanding the business

Conversion Rate Optimization was born out of the need of e-Commerce platforms to increase conversion rates on their websites. However, today every business is going digital and CRO can do wonders in getting the desired RoI.

The first step like any other process is to understand what we are selling, also what the biggest driving factors are on your website. What makes the customer tick and where do they spend the most time. A lot in Conversion Rate Optimization depends on research, data and analytics which are used at every stage to craft the perfect strategy.

2. Improving the landing page

Quality of visitors is directly proportional to the quality of the landing page. A lot goes into creating the best User or Customer Experience on your website especially the landing page further to better looks and color usage.

Quick Tip: Use real and relatable images. Never say ‘Submit’ on a button as it may refer to giving up, while ‘Share’ sounds friendlier and works better. Thank us later.

Websites that take care of certain other aspects for conversions at the onset can benefit from the huge impact of Conversion Rate Optimization. Starting with SEO, reducing exit and bounce rates, using creative headlines, proper back linking, personalized, fresh and relevant content are some easy hacks to get on track. Detailed analysis of the design and UX of the website are fool-proof ways of creating a solid platform to work with.

This is the stage where you use design thinking to uncomplicated your pages and a user’s journey on your website.

3. Focusing on the target audience

Because Conversion Rate Optimization is about getting the ‘right kind’ of customers. Quality is key.

Start with a Persona Research and then run a Customer Journey Scenario to find out about your user’s choices and stops and actions on your website. This step is not only useful at the campaign start but also at the evaluation and customer retention stage where these insights are used for retargeting or remarketing.

4. Implementing the approach

Launch that Facebook Ad campaign or a Website Banner Ad to drive consumers to your website. One key strategy that worked for us and is rather organic, includes anchor text or text based CTA in our blogs and social media posts. This has delivered better conversion rate and quality leads than a banner/image based CTA.

Quick Tip: As you implement, collect data and use it real-time to draw insights and messaging for better results.

5. A/B Testing and Verifying

Human behavior is often not consistent and so are the online response rates. Hence this is one of the most important parts, where you test if your approach is doing well or if it can do better. Create two sets of an ad or landing page. Change one thing and see how the response changes, keep doing this to increase conversion. Use the learnings in the next campaign or the next ad in your existing campaign.

Quick tip: Please reduce those form fields. Research says, 3 or less form fields have better response rate.

Another aspect of testing is analyzing different approaches to get new insights using market intelligence, eye-tracking and heat map analysis, data mining and analytics.

Sooner you start applying a data-driven, scientific and practical approach to your digital marketing the better results you’ll receive. So what are you waiting for! Connect with us for a customized solution for your business.

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Contributor: Neha Sethi @nehacsethi

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