“It’s not how much we give but how much we put into giving.”
– Mother Teresa
This season of the year is about giving. We exchange presents, gifts, and tokens with the loved ones to make them feel special. As a true Teleperformer, it has always overwhelmed me how the organization remains committed to returning to the society– for when not propagated as a cause, Social Responsibility is a significant extension of the self. As the festive air sets in with a chill, the environment at Teleperformance India becomes robust. The social drive to donate warm clothes, food and medicines begin full swing, alongside preparations for Christmas, the decoration of trees, fun activities etc.
We, at Teleperformance, believe in gifting hope & happiness to children through the ‘Citizen of the World’ program, initiated by our Chairman, Daniel Julien, in 2006. Since then, we are attempting to give, receive and spread joy and happiness with our complete being!
Going back in time, I am sure the presents that have left the biggest imprint on our memory, the ones that have brought forward the loudest laughs or exclaimed joys, are the ones that was unexpected!
Just ahead of X-Mas hundreds of Teleperformers happily accommodate to stretch their time and capacity to visit the schools supported by them in Gurgaon, Indore, and Jaipur and share tokens of affection (sweets, books, stationery, woolens) and warmth to the students. They also invite these students to spend a day at its contact center so that they build self-confidence to aim and achieve higher!
Lives, purposes, and targets at Team India, have grown richer with our passion for transforming the society. And I am proud to live a far fuller life.But do not take my word for it. Try it for yourself.
Season’s Greetings!
Contributor: Neha Sethi @nehacsethi