Top 5 Social Media Trends of 2018
Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)

#Inspiring Business: Top 5 Social Media Trends of 2018

Teleperformance - 01.15.2018

How do you plan to promote your business on social media this year? Identifying the right platform and making the best use of the medium is the key ingredient to reach your target audience, uncover their needs and maximize the customer experience.

The Golden rule of marketing is to promote your business on the platform where your target audience spends the most time. And, in today’s scenario your target demographic is constantly active on social media which is constantly changing and the ability to adapt to the latest trends and developments is crucial for any business to receive the best return on your investment (ROI).

Here are the top 5 social media trends of 2018:

1. All about Video Content: Video will continue to outperform all other forms of content and gain popularity in 2018. Communication has become more personal and research says that 37% of the marketers consider visual marketing as the most important form of content for an increased ROI when compared to other forms of marketing.

2. Influencer marketing will be key: In 2018, influencers are set to overpower the social media channels as businesses increasingly realize the importance of this marketing strategy and the direct impact of the brand promotion through it. The focus on establishing a meaningful relationship with the influencers, setting right goals and choosing the right influencer will have the potential in scaling the potential of a business.

3. Targeting #GenNext: Gen-Z or Millennials are considered the next consumer powerhouse with increased purchasing power leading the businesses to adapt marketing strategies in sync with this generation.

4. Live Streaming: Live streaming analytics exploded in 2017 and now when both the audiences and brands have settled into the format, it is no more an option but an expectation of your audience from your brand.

5. Instagram Stories: It’s been just one year that Instagram launched stories to compete with Snapchat and it is breaking boundaries already with 250 million daily users. To survive and be relevant in the era of digitalization it’s time for businesses to take the time to master Instagram stories.

Today, social media is an integral element of any business and by focusing on the best usage of the platforms, businesses can enhance their customer outreach. At Teleperformance, different innovative approaches towards digitalization to maximize the customer’s journey is the agenda that we emphasize on.

According to you, what other social media trends will rule your industry in 2018? Comment and let us know! We are eager to hear from you.

Contributor: Neha Sethi @nehacsethi

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