Strategic Insights

Thank God it’s Monday!

Teleperformance - 02.27.2018

We all want to have a positive and engaging experience at work. However, a positive work environment is created only with a great company CULTURE which means happy employees, better performance and greater productivity. According to a Fast Company article happy employees are 12% more productive, are more creative and resilient, and have better interpersonal skills.

Encouraging and fostering a workplace culture with a defined purpose that inspires employees to take pride in their work can reap exceptional results. Here at Teleperformance, we understand this connection and therefore focus on the segments that matter the most to our PEOPLE – creating a healthy and inclusive work culture focused on well-being and development and helping our communities.

In our engagement activities, we focus on strengthening bonds and deepening commitments — to each other, as well as to the communities in which we live and work. Our secret of bringing in positivity at workplace is by giving our people a sense of PURPOSE. A study by Net Impact found that, according to 65% of workers, “the potential to contribute to society” and “a job that will make the world a better place” is very important to them with about 25% considering this to be essential.

Therefore, we cultivate a strong emotional connection between employees and the outside world with our Citizen of the World (COTW) and Citizen of the Planet (COTP) initiatives. We show our people how their work is making a difference, at a larger level and encourage them to be active participants in building a better world. This helps us to create a real team spirit that results in an engaged workforce helping productive.

Growing Together!

By 2025, millennials will account for 75% of the global workforce. Here, at Teleperformance in India, they already account for 94% of our entire employee base. They’re highly creative, dynamic and smart people who have an entirely different view of how work should be done and be a part of the organization with similar culture and work ethics and values. They believe that life comes before work.

Thank God It’s Monday!

Millennials want their employers to help nurture their talent which defines a clear growth roadmap for short and long term goals and achievements. Aligned to their forward looking aspirations, at Teleperformance we have initiated specific employee development programs, keeping in mind the changing times. From our career growth plan “JUMP” to Teleperformance University (TPU), our training and development programs are aimed at personal and professional growth for our employees. While JUMP is a development program created to identify and prepare high-potential employees to take on leadership positions in the company, Teleperformance University is a customized college course that transmits culture while gathering and sharing our worldwide best practices and innovative projects in customer relationship and experience management with the enrolled.

There are several other programs such as Chat with CEO (Open House) and Super Days with site leaders which are regular features every week and month enabling a two-way communication and connect between the leaders and employees at all levels.

The Teleperformance For Fun Festival and Sports Club positively highlights the inclusivity in diversity by focusing on harnessing and recognizing different talents from different nationalities and cultures, but most of all, generates pride in belonging to a worldwide family that is the Teleperformance Group.

Loving what you do and doing what you love are often converged in an environment where people care is the first mandate. At Teleperformance, all that we do is guided by this principle of 5Ps – wherein PEOPLE are the building blocks that generate Passion, Purpose, Pride (Inspiration) feeding into the output that is PERFORMANCE. Our motto is to create and sustain a workplace where happiness is a rule and employees only say Thank God It’s Monday!

What does your company do to keep employees happy at work? What elements do you think are important for having a good company culture? Let us know in the comments section.

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Contributor: Neha Sethi @nehacsethi

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