Strategic Insights

The Time is Now to #PressforProgress

Teleperformance - 04.03.2018

There is a drastic change in paradigm shaking up gender roles and amplifying women’s voices into the mainstream, from small to large movements.

We are all aware of the power of collective activism displayed during women’s marches, on our social media feeds and on television in 2017. Movements such as #MeToo#TimesUp and #HeforShe took the internet by force, with millions of men and children joining and supporting them. This powerful momentum is what made this International Women’s Day so special this year.


This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #PressForProgress. In 2017, the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report findings showed gender parity at workplace is still over 200 years away. Also, according to a Forbes article, 40% of worldwide businesses have ‘zero’ women in senior management roles. So while we are making progress, we cannot be complacent.

Simply because of these staggering stats, The Time is Now to #PressforProgress!

Gender equality does not happen overnight; it starts with a mindset shift. At Teleperformance in India, we started on this track couple of years back taking the Pledge for Parity.

Our #GenderSmart campaign, launched in March 2016, was one of the milestones through which we acknowledged and explicitly professed the agenda of Gender Parity at workplace.

The initiative started with hiring more women and took special efforts to retain our women employees with family-friendly policies, improving work flexibility helping women to maintain the work-life balance without compromising on the family life and professional responsibilities.

This in turn has helped us improve many business metrics across the organization:

#GenderSmart Business Results

Result: We are on the road to achieving gender parity at our workplace where women will represent more than 50% of the global Teleperformance family.

We believe that in everyday life or work, good times or bad, when we support each other GREAT THINGS HAPPEN. So, this International Women’s Day, we decided to encourage people to shine the spotlight on the women who have been a support and inspiration for them through our #MyWonderWoman and #SheIsMyInspiration campaigns.

Gender Smart

Is your organization supporting gender parity? Feel free to share your initiatives for Gender Parity at Workplace in the comments section below, or contact us to know more.

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Contributor: Neha Sethi @nehacsethi

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