What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words “taking care of…?” It could be your kids, parents, partners, friends, or pets, maybe even work. But have you remembered yourself?
As working mothers, it is easy to get overwhelmed with ticking every box off your daily checklist, from caring for the kids to tracking their schoolwork progress. A long day seems short, and things you want to do for yourself go on the back burner.
We have all heard the common airline safety measure “put the oxygen mask on yourself first before assisting others.”
We are bound to adhere to this in a life or death situation, so why can’t we do this in our everyday lives, especially now when the pandemic outbreak is tearing the social fabric of our lives?
#Selfcare is as unique as the challenges every working mother confronts, and there is no one yardstick to measure all. But for the sanity of your mind and your house, there should be no more excuses. Making time for yourself should be an absolute priority.
As a working mother of two young kids with a challenging job, I have learned the hard way to take some much needed “me time.” In case you, too, are struggling to carve out that much needed “me time,” here are three self-care mantras I follow.
1. 60 Minutes
Take 60 minutes to do what makes you happy. It could be practicing your hobby, connecting with your girl gang, catching up on sitcoms and movies, reading books, or even taking a nap. This one hour will make you feel rejuvenated and ready to face your battles once again. Being connected to our innermost passions is what keeps us fully alive and happy in the long run.
2. Move
Physical exercise releases endorphins, which improves your mood and helps you fit into your college jeans (Maybe!). Whether you love yoga and meditation, dance aerobics, or just jogging in the park, investing time in your health is just as important as your family members. Remember, consistency is the key, and there should not be an excuse to neglect fitness.
3. Ask
Don’t fall into the superwoman trap of being in charge of everything all the time. As my son tells me, even Batman needs Robin, so we shouldn’t shy away from seeking help. Accept familial support to engage kids. They may not do everything by the list, but they’ll surely have fun. Similarly, delegate work to your subordinates who are capable and looking to advance. It will make you a much better leader as well.
These micro-care tips have helped me balance home, work, and self, and have kept me sane and motivated to get up every day with a smile.
Add some self-care time in your life, and I am sure you will witness a different you. #mentalhealth